Luke Cage Trailer: Marvel And Netflix Head To Harlem

Michael Whitlatch ComiConverse
August 9th, 2016

A Super Empowered Community.

Marvel's Luke Cage on Netflix has released its trailer and left the fandom universe buzzing. Netflix's Marvel properties are known for their edgy and grittier storylines and, from what we can tell, Luke Cage will be no exception.

Luke Cage Trailer: Marvel And Netflix Head To Harlem

Having just recently announced the renewal of Daredevil for its third season, Netflix seems as determined as ever to build on their established brand; which already includes and aforementioned Daredevil and the critically acclaimed Jessica Jones.

The comics version of the Luke Cage character is hugely dedicated to the idea of community and dealing with street-level problems that effect the lives of ordinary people. Just as with its other properties, Netflix seems intent on capturing the authentic nature of these characters, as embodied in the pages of Marvel Comics.

Marvel has been making a push to adapt its character catalogue, in an effort to connect with a more progressive and diverse comics and television audience. Luke Cage certainly seems ready to take on themes that have been somewhat absent from many of the other superhero shows on TV.

Netflix Marvel Luke Cage

Credit: Marvel/Netflix


Where as the first season of Jessica Jones and Daredevil introduced major Marvel villains in the form of the Kingpin and Purple-Man, the first season of Luke Cage would seem to land our hero smack in the middle of the Harlem gang wars.

Stuff is about to go down!


Luke Cage drops on Netflix on September 30th.


What do you think of the new Luke Cage trailer from Netflix?

Are you a fan of the Netflix's Marvel Universe?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.


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Source: Bleeding Cool

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