7 Video Games That Became Cool Comics

Crystal Kendrick Crystal Kendrick
August 18th, 2016

7 Video Games That Became Cool Comics
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No. 4: Uncharted

Uncharted Comics Video Games

Credit: DC Comics

Uncharted is an third person action-adventure that follows Nathan Drake on multiple adventures around the world. Uncharted has a few different types of comics; two motion comics and one comic book.

The first motion comic is titled Uncharted: Eye of Indra. This was released in 2009 as a four part series by Sony Computer Entertainment America. The comic was a prequel to the second motion comic, Uncharted:Drake’s Fortune.

The comic book was announced in 2011. The book was published by DC Comics on November 30, 2011. The book was part of a six part mini series.

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