
Video Games: Can They Really Become Great Movies?

Video Games: Can They Really Become Great Movies?

August 23rd, 2016 | by Crystal Kendrick

Every now and then a video game will come out and some company will jump at the chance to make a film out of it. But can these movies ever be any good? Here, our Crystal Kendrick takes a look at what's needed for a successful...

7 Video Games That Became Cool Comics

7 Video Games That Became Cool Comics

August 18th, 2016 | by Crystal Kendrick

Video games and comics are two things that everyone should enjoy. When a truly great comic-themed game comes to the market - I'm looking at your Batman: Arkham Asylum - fans usually shop the shelves dry. Here, ComiConverse's own Chrystal Kendrick has composed a list...

How Successful Are Video Game Movies?

How Successful Are Video Game Movies?

August 11th, 2016 | by ComiConverse

Video game movies have enormous potential. Few would argue with that. As Hollywood continues to try to feed the never-ending desire fans have for new and innovative stories, the creativity present in the video game community would seem like to perfect source. How Successful Are...

The 5 Most Terrifying Games of All Time

The 5 Most Terrifying Games of All Time

August 9th, 2016 | by Alan Stock

Horror games represent a large and growing demographic in the gaming world. Our Alan Stock is here for ComiConverse to share the horror: the 5 most terrifying games of all time. Lights off, volume up, hunched towards the screen and gripping the controller. I was...