
Superman: John Byrne’s Wrong Turns

Superman: John Byrne’s Wrong Turns

November 6th, 2015 | by Kyle King

Superman was deprived of his secret identity and most of his powers in DC Comics' recent Truth story arc, and fans of the Man of Steel who already were displeased by the New 52 reboot are even more disheartened by the Metropolis Marvel's present trajectory....

Top 10 Comic Book Deaths

Top 10 Comic Book Deaths

November 1st, 2015 | by Jeffrey Hull

Comic book deaths can be chilling. The death of influential characters can affect readers more than anything else in comics, or can they? There are actually differing schools of thought. For your consideration we turn to two experts on the subject of killing characters; Game...

Review: Superman #45

Review: Superman #45

November 1st, 2015 | by Kyle King

Superman came through Truth with his powers diminished and his secret identity revealed. Now, in Justice, the Man of Steel is striking back at the dark conspiracy that brought him from the mountaintop to the valley. The story continued in Superman #45, and ComiConverse’s T....

Review: Bizarro #5

Review: Bizarro #5

October 25th, 2015 | by Kyle King

Heath Corson and Gustavo Duarte are sending Jimmy Olsen and Bizarro on a road trip to Canada, and their Silver Age-style buddy comedy continued in Bizarro #5. Our Superman writer, Kyle King, is along for the ride, and he reviews the mismatched twosome's most recent...

Review: Superman/Wonder Woman #22

Review: Superman/Wonder Woman #22

October 24th, 2015 | by Kyle King

Superman has survived the Truth story arc, and, despite the exposure of his secret identity and the reduction of his powers, the Man of Steel is now taking the fight to his many enemies. Justice continued this week in Superman/Wonder Woman #22, and our Kyle...

Jimmy Olsen: 75 Years of Superman’s Pal

Jimmy Olsen: 75 Years of Superman’s Pal

October 23rd, 2015 | by Kyle King

DC Comics has spent the last couple of years commemorating the 75th birthdays of some of the industry giant's most venerable superhero comics characters, but there is one glaring omission. Our Superman writer, Kyle King, offers some suggestions on how to correct this error. Superhero...

Review: Superman: Lois and Clark #1

Review: Superman: Lois and Clark #1

October 18th, 2015 | by Kyle King

While first Truth and now Justice weave their way through DC Comics' main titles starring the Man of Steel, Dan Jurgens and Lee Weeks have been given the opportunity to tell a different sort of story in Superman: Lois and Clark, which debuted this week....

Review: Action Comics #45

Review: Action Comics #45

October 10th, 2015 | by Kyle King

DC Comics' Truth storyline has concluded by connecting the series' various villains in a shared plot. Superman began striking back at the evil conspiracy in the opening chapter of Justice this week, and our Man of Steel writer, Kyle King, has a review. Action Comics...

Review: Grayson Annual #2

Review: Grayson Annual #2

October 7th, 2015 | by Kyle King

In DC Comics' Grayson Annual #2, the original Robin and former Nightwing now turned undercover super spy  teams up with Superman in the two heroes' first meeting since the events of Truth. In an effort to cover all comics pertaining to the Man of Steel, our...

Review: Superman #44

Review: Superman #44

October 1st, 2015 | by Kyle King

DC Comics’ ambitious Truth storyline came to a close this week with Superman #44. Our Man of Steel correspondent, T. Kyle King, examines the fourth chapter of Gene Luen Yang’s and John Romita Jr.’s, Before Truth. Lois Lane has revealed Clark Kent’s secret identity to...

Review: Superman/Wonder Woman #21

Review: Superman/Wonder Woman #21

September 27th, 2015 | by Kyle King

DC Comics’ Truth story arc, in which the Man of Steel must deal with the reduction of his powers and the revelation of his secret identity, moved closer to its conclusion in Superman/Wonder Woman #21. Our Superman Writer, T. Kyle King, examines the fourth and...

How Risky Are Comics Film Flops?

How Risky Are Comics Film Flops?

September 22nd, 2015 | by Grant Billings

It's no secret that superhero movies have taken over the movie theatres. With at least a couple coming out each year, they ante up millions of dollars bringing in major profit for their respective companies. But what does it mean when the movies are a...

Review: Action Comics #44

Review: Action Comics #44

September 17th, 2015 | by Kyle King

DC Comics' Truth storyline moved closer to its conclusion this week with Greg Pak's and Aaron Kuder's Action Comics #44. Our Superman Writer T. Kyle King is here with everything you need to know. Superman, whose powers have been reduced and whose Clark Kent identity...

Review: Superman/Wonder Woman #20

Review: Superman/Wonder Woman #20

September 6th, 2015 | by Kyle King

DC Comics' sweeping Truth storyline, centered around the public's discovery of Clark Kent's secret identity, continued in Superman/Wonder Woman #20. The third chapter of Peter J. Tomasi's and Doug Mahnke's Dark Truth epic follows up on an uneven effort in the prior issue with one...

Review: Superman #43

Review: Superman #43

August 30th, 2015 | by Kyle King

Our Superman Writer Kyle King is back with another superhuman review! We have all the angles covered for you here on ComiConverse! This week, Gene Luen Yang's and John Romita, Jr.'s Superman #43 reached the stands, continuing DC Comics' Truth story arc. The latest issue...

Batman v. Superman: Doomsday Is Coming!

Batman v. Superman: Doomsday Is Coming!

August 26th, 2015 | by Ryan Mayer

Doomsday is coming! News is breaking about the iconic villain and we have all the details for you here on ComiConverse! Ever since the release of the Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice Comic-Con trailer, fans have been speculating who possibly could rival Wonder Woman,...

Review: Action Comics #43

Review: Action Comics #43

August 18th, 2015 | by Kyle King

DC Comics’ Truth storyline, which introduces a Superman whose powers have been reduced and whose secret identity has been revealed, continued this week in Greg Pak’s and Aaron Kuder’s Action Comics #43. In Hard Truth - Part Three, a physically battered and emotionally explosive Clark...

Review: Superman/Wonder Woman #19

Review: Superman/Wonder Woman #19

August 4th, 2015 | by Kyle King

DC Comics’ Truth story arc, in which Superman’s secret identity is revealed to the world, is a tale so big, it takes four titles to tell it. Superman/Wonder Woman takes us through Clark Kent and Princess Diana’s investigation of mysterious disappearances in Smallville in the...

Review: Superman #42

Review: Superman #42

August 2nd, 2015 | by Kyle King

DC Comics’ Truth storyline continued this week with the release of Superman #42, in which Gene Luen Yang and John Romita, Jr., showed us the powerful and controversial moment when Lois Lane learned for certain that Clark Kent was secretly the Man of Tomorrow. While...

Did DC Comics Win Comic-Con?

Did DC Comics Win Comic-Con?

July 20th, 2015 | by Ryan Mayer

One week after Comic-Con 2015 came to a close, our Ryan Mayer looks at whether or not DC Comics met fan expectations with their releases. Comic-Con 2015 was due or die for DC Comics, did they come out of it with a win? In my...

Breaking Down The Batman v Superman Trailer

Breaking Down The Batman v Superman Trailer

July 15th, 2015 | by Ryan Mayer

All eyes were on DC Comics and Warner Bros. Entertainment at Comic-Con this year to see what they would show and announce, especially when it came to their massive upcoming movie Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice! DC Comics has gone and left all their...

Batman v Superman Images Released

Batman v Superman Images Released

July 6th, 2015 | by Ryan Mayer

Batman v Superman images have been released! San Diego Comic Con is approaching fast with each passing day. Fans across the country sit tight as they prepare themselves for new trailers, rumors, and announcements that will be made during the convention. The most anticipated panel this...