Did DC Comics Win Comic-Con?

Ryan Mayer Ryan Mayer
July 20th, 2015

I am a Sport Management major and Business minor at St. John's University in Queens, NY. I am a writer for ComiConverse.com, ThePennyFace.com, and TheJetPress.com. I also am the Twitter manager of ComiConverse.com. I have always been in love with comics and football and hope to one day make a career out of it!

Did DC Comics Win Comic-Con?

One week after Comic-Con 2015 came to a close, our Ryan Mayer looks at whether or not DC Comics met fan expectations with their releases.

Comic-Con 2015 was due or die for DC Comics, did they come out of it with a win?

In my previous article Five Ways DC Comics Can Win Comic-Con I talked about the different ways DC could walk into Comic-Con and shock fans and critics.

Comic-Con 2015 was a very important thing for DC to get right. This was due to DC launching their brand new DC Extended Universe (DCEU) which has all their movies intertwined around each other. This universe kicks off with Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice in March of 2016; only few months before the 2016 Comic Con.


This was also important for them because in recent history DC has been unable to truly produce a jaw dropping superhero movie that has had fans looking forward to the next one. This year's Comic-Con was their chance to come out swinging and truly try to gain the fans excitement not only at the convention but around the world too. It didn't hurt that Marvel had decided to skip their Hall H panel and instead opted to go to their parent companies convention D23.

The question was were DC going to be able to come out and truly shock the audience with footage and news that impacted fantoms around the globe?

It seems the DC has overwhelmingly succeeded with the presentation they showed on July 11th.

One of the biggest things that DC showed off was the first full trailer for the upcoming Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice movie. This trailer knocked people off their feet and caused social media to explode with excitement from the trailer they had just witnessed.

The trailer focused on largely on Batman; mostly giving a glance as to why Batman has such anger towards Superman.

This was done by showing fans that Bruce Wayne was in fact in Metropolis when Superman was fighting Zod. The moment was shown in an amazing shot where you can see Zod

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