
Comic Book Movies: Which Had Cultural Impact?

Comic Book Movies: Which Had Cultural Impact?

July 20th, 2017 | by Joseph Gioeli

“What is the best comic book film ever?”; an extremely broad question that usually brings in multiple varying opinions. ComiConverse contributor Joseph Gioeli looks beyond the actual movies to determine which comic book films have been the most important to the culture of comic books...

Marvel Cinematic Universe Post Credit Scenes: Ranking the Top 10

Marvel Cinematic Universe Post Credit Scenes: Ranking the Top 10

July 20th, 2017 | by Joseph Gioeli

For the past decade, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has trained fans to wait until ALL the credits roll through before leaving the theater. Over the past 15 films, the MCU has racked up 26 post-credit scenes. Most of them foreshadow the next film or a...

The Best Superpower: What Would You Choose?

The Best Superpower: What Would You Choose?

June 24th, 2017 | by Joseph Gioeli

The question that has been a hot button topic amongst comic book fans – and even those who are not – has famously been, “What is the best superpower to have?”. Our Joseph Gioeli breaks this question down with superhuman skill. The Best Superpower: What Would...

Marvel Cinematic Universe: Five Characters We’d Love To See

Marvel Cinematic Universe: Five Characters We’d Love To See

June 4th, 2017 | by Joseph Gioeli

By year-end, the MCU will have released 17 total films. Most of these films were focused on very popular characters (Iron Man, Captain America, etc.) but as they continue, the characters are starting to become more intricate. Our Joseph Gioeli lists some new characters fans...

DCEU vs MCU: Who Did It Better?

DCEU vs MCU: Who Did It Better?

May 1st, 2017 | by Joseph Gioeli

While critics – and most fans – have been caught up in the MCU hysteria, the DCEU is truly not far behind in terms of creating their own cinematic universe. Our Joseph Gioeli deciphers who has built a better universe and how that will play...

Comic Book Movies: Are They Testing Fans?

Comic Book Movies: Are They Testing Fans?

March 23rd, 2017 | by Joseph Gioeli

Many comic book fans, DC and Marvel alike, tend to always find a silver lining in movies that are generally considered to be a “flop”. Our Joseph Gioeli plays Devil’s Advocate and poses the question: “Are comic book movies testing fan’s loyalty and optimism?” Comic...

Comic Book Movies: Why We Shouldn’t Want the DCEU to Fail

Comic Book Movies: Why We Shouldn’t Want the DCEU to Fail

March 12th, 2017 | by Dewayne Edwards

The DCEU has been under the spotlight of criticism for years now. With rumors of Ben Affleck wanting out of playing Batman (please take that with a grain of salt), and other inner things happening with Warner Bros. and their movies. A lot of people are losing...

We ComiConverse With Jason O’Mara

We ComiConverse With Jason O’Mara

March 2nd, 2017 | by ComiConverse

Jason O'Mara is one of the most recognizable voices in the world of popular culture. He is the voice of Batman in the ongoing DC Original Animated Films. Recently, Jason stepped back into live-action as the newly appointed Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Jeffrey Mace, in Marvel's Agents...

What Marvel Is Doing Right: Movies v. Netflix

What Marvel Is Doing Right: Movies v. Netflix

February 10th, 2017 | by Joseph Gioeli

Marvel has been had the most successful comic book movie adaptations of the past decade. ComiConverse contributor Joseph Gioeli looks at Marvel’s formulas for success on the big screen vs. their Netflix shows, as well as giving his view on how they can find continued success. DISCLAIMER: Even though I...

Review: Champions #1

Review: Champions #1

October 26th, 2016 | by Scott Place

Champions #1 is out on comics stands and our very own Scott Place is here with the ComiConverse review.  Saddle up! Review: Champions #1 In the wake of Civil War II a new team of heroes is born. They're young, inexperienced and reckless but they just...

Doctor Strange: What You Need To Know

Doctor Strange: What You Need To Know

October 8th, 2016 | by Grant Billings

Doctor Strange has been moved to the forefront of popular culture with a feature film on the way, headlined by the talented Benedict Cumberbatch. Here, our Grant Billings gets you ready by taking a deep dive into the Doctor Strange character and his history.  Dr....

Marvel Cinematic Universe: What’s After Phase 3?

Marvel Cinematic Universe: What’s After Phase 3?

October 8th, 2016 | by Dewayne Edwards

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has become the fore front of comic book movies, through Disney since the beginning in 2008, with the film, "Iron Man". With the Marvel Cinematic Universe beginning Phase 3, with "Captain America: Civil War", it's hard not to look forward to...

DCEU: Why Are We So Hard On Warner Brothers?

DCEU: Why Are We So Hard On Warner Brothers?

September 12th, 2016 | by Dewayne Edwards

Warner Brothers has placed enormous bets on the success of the DC Extended Universe (DCEU). With a pattern of negative fan reaction having developed throughout the release of their first three films, its worth asking if fan expectations are aligned correctly. Our Dewayne Edwards takes...

Captain America: Marvel’s Super Soldier

Captain America: Marvel’s Super Soldier

July 25th, 2016 | by ComiConverse

Captain America has long been one of the most successful characters for Marvel Comics. Given the remarkable storylines taking place in the Captain America comics title, we thought it would be useful to take a look back at some of the other changes that Cap has...

Avengers Standoff: A Final Series Review

Avengers Standoff: A Final Series Review

May 28th, 2016 | by Seth Frederiksen

Avengers Standoff is finally over and our Seth Frederiksen is here to provide a final review on the series. With the Avenger’s Standoff event now completed and the dust now settled, its time to look at the overall crossover and see what worked and what...

Avenger’s Standoff: Uncanny Avengers #7

Avenger’s Standoff: Uncanny Avengers #7

April 22nd, 2016 | by Seth Frederiksen

Events in Pleasant Hill heat up with the arrival of the Uncanny Avengers. ComiConverse Contributor, Seth Frederiksen, has this review. Synopsis: In the third part of Marvel’s Standoff Event, we find Quicksilver and Brother Voodoo, of the Uncanny Avengers, attending to some personal matters. The scene then...

Standoff – All New All Different Avengers #7

Standoff – All New All Different Avengers #7

April 22nd, 2016 | by Seth Frederiksen

The All New, All Different Avengers throw their hats into the ring in the fourth installment of the Standoff Event. ComiConverse Contributor, Seth Frederiksen, has the official ComiConverse review. Synopsis: The issue begins with Sam Wilson and Jane Foster, the newest Captain America and Thor, respectively,...

Review: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. “Standoff”

Review: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. “Standoff”

March 19th, 2016 | by Seth Frederiksen

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. become a part of the Pleasant Hill debacle with Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Standoff. ComiConverse Contributor Seth Frederiksen is here to assess. Synopsis: Mockingbird and Agent Leo Fitz are falling from a plane, with Agent Fitz’s parachute failing to deploy properly. Mockingbird swiftly arrives...

Review: Avengers Standoff: Assault on Pleasant Hill

Review: Avengers Standoff: Assault on Pleasant Hill

March 10th, 2016 | by Seth Frederiksen

The Avengers: Standoff series has begun with a blast, and ComiConverse Contributor, Seth Frederiksen, is here to cover the first issue. Synopsis: Aboard the S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier, several agents sneak into the central command room to watch something of vital importance, NFL Sunday Ticket. Before the men can fully...

Review: Standoff: Welcome To Pleasant Hill

Review: Standoff: Welcome To Pleasant Hill

February 19th, 2016 | by Seth Frederiksen

The prelude to the Avengers' upcoming Standoff is out, and our Seth Frederiksen is here to review the issue. Synopsis The prologue issue for Standoff opens with the Winter Soldier, aka Bucky Barnes, sneaking into a heavily guarded S.H.I.E.L.D. instillation. Some internal monologues provide clues...

The Evolution Of Iron Man’s Armour

The Evolution Of Iron Man’s Armour

December 25th, 2015 | by ComiConverse

Iron Man has had a long and glorious run on the silver screen, with fans gaining valuable insight into the evolution of his armour along the way. From the original Iron Man trilogy to the character's appearance in the Avengers films, fans have often been...

Preview: Agents of SHIELD Season 3

Preview: Agents of SHIELD Season 3

September 30th, 2015 | by Fanny Pack

Our Fanny Pack delivers her preview for the upcoming season of Marvel's Agents of SHIELD. Are you Inhuman? This is the looming question as Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. returns to primetime television for season 3. When we left S.H.I.E.L.D. in the season 2 finale, we...