Captain America: Marvel’s Super Soldier

Michael Whitlatch ComiConverse
July 25th, 2016

A Super Empowered Community.

Captain America: Marvel’s Super Soldier

Captain America has long been one of the most successful characters for Marvel Comics. Given the remarkable storylines taking place in the Captain America comics title, we thought it would be useful to take a look back at some of the other changes that Cap has endured over the years.

From the Golden Age to Civil War, from Bucky Barnes to The Falcon, the newest edition to the ComiConverse Infographics section covers it all.

Remember Nomad, or that time Cap had a red, white and blue energy shield? Our infographic is here to remind you.

Here, in cooperation with our friends at, we take a look back at the evolution of the American icon and how his character has been portrayed by Marvel over the years.

Captain America: Evolution Of A Super Soldier:

Captain America Costumes: Evolution of a Super Soldier
Image Created by

What's your favourite version of the Captain America character? Do you have a favourite uniform, story arc or era?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments sections below.

ComiConverse is Super Empowered Community. Follow us on Twitter: @ComiConverse

Source: Halloween Costumes

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