The Xena Reboot: A Fantasy Cast

Kate Blake Kate Blake
January 13th, 2016

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No. 2: Ksenia Solo As Gabrielle

Credit: (Left) BBC America, (Right) Showtime

Credit: (Left) BBC America, (Right) Showtime

I would love to have Ksenia Solo as the new Gabrielle, because I am in love with both Kenzi from Lost Girl  (Showtime) and Shay from Orphan Black (BBCAmerica). As Kenzi, Ksenia Solo delivers plenty of awesome one liners, demonstrates an ability to be comedic as well as serious and shows off the kind of physical acting skill required to play a battling bard. I love Shay even more so because she reminds me of the things I love most about Gabrielle. The way that she is openly loving and able exercise patients and understanding with her chosen partner when most needed.




I would not want her to quit playing Shay for the role, of course. This is fantasy land where we can pretend its not a massive time-consuming commitment for an actor to play big parts in multiple projects at the same time.

Kesenia Solo is also currently starring in Turn on AMC but I have not seen this yet so please no spoilers if your about to comment that she is already doing two shows.

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