Xena Should Rise From The Ash

Kate Blake Kate Blake
January 7th, 2016

Xena Should Rise From The Ash
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Xena Warrior Princess has fans that are so dedicated they have fought for decades to see it revived. Our Kate Blake lays out her her fantasy for a Xena Warrior Princess reboot using elements from STARS new TV series Ash vs Evil Dead.

I have recently been hit with two pieces of information that have made my Xenite/Ashite heart explode with gooey, gooey, joy:

1. Xena Warrior Princess is going to be rebooted.

2. Ash vs. Evil Dead has now been released as a new TV series. (Expect a very positive review soon)

Like most Xenites, I have wished for a Xena reboot since it ended and have mentally fan fic-ed plenty of new beginnings. In fact, I have wished (forgive me Xenaverse for admitting it) for a reboot and retcon since the end of season 5.

I thought the season 4 ending was perfect and I never got on much with most of season 5 or 6. So now its time to stop cutting out those ticket stubs and start setting the creators an impossibly high bar to crash through; like the legends we all know they are!

I now have a fantasy for how I would like Xena Warrior Princess to be rebooted - through Ash vs Evil Dead.  Allow me to start by justifying my choice with some of the connection between the franchises and how they have already interacted.

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