
Xena Should Rise From The Ash

Xena Should Rise From The Ash

January 7th, 2016 | by Kate Blake

Xena Warrior Princess has fans that are so dedicated they have fought for decades to see it revived. Our Kate Blake lays out her her fantasy for a Xena Warrior Princess reboot using elements from STARS new TV series Ash vs Evil Dead. I have...

Reboots & Remakes: Do We Need Them?‏

Reboots & Remakes: Do We Need Them?‏

July 7th, 2015 | by Jordan Samuel

While re-watching Terminator Genisys this question flew into my mind: Do we need really these constant rehashes? Hollywood has lost its way with reboots and remakes coming out every single week it seems. - but Do we really need them?Growing up, original movies were everywhere,...