The CW: 5 DC Characters Who Need Their Own Show

Dusty Haynes Dusty Haynes
September 17th, 2016

Dusty is a geeky husband and father. He regularly subjects his family to lengthy monologues concerning the intricacies of Kryptonian politics and other essential facts.

The CW: 5 DC Characters Who Need Their Own Show
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No. 5: Booster Gold

DC Comics Booster Gold The CW

Credit: DC Comics

Imagine someone from the future who uses his knowledge of future events to make himself a famous superhero. That's who Booster Gold is. He's loud, loves attention and very comfortable singing his own praises. However over the course of his career, Booster Gold has developed as a character and eventually becomes a true hero.

A Booster Gold TV show could be an unexpected, fresh angle on the superhero protagonist. The hero would be a self-obsessed fraud at first who develops over several seasons to become a true hero.

So there you have it. My list of the 5 DC superheroes I think deserve to be added to the roster of DC TV shows.

Who did I miss?

Is there a character you'd love to start a campaign for?

Let us know in the comments section below.


Dusty Haynes is a Contributor to ComiConverse. Follow him on Twitter: @DustyHaynes

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