
Gail Simone Is Teasing Her Newest Project And We Are Intrigued

Gail Simone Is Teasing Her Newest Project And We Are Intrigued

August 24th, 2016 | by ComiConverse

Gail Simone is known far and wide in the world of comics for her work on Birds of Prey, Secret Six, Deadpool, Wonder Woman and Batgirl. Recently, Gail took to Twitter to tease her newest project and it got our attention. After all, who doesn't...

Useless Fandom Feuds: The Twitter Wars

Useless Fandom Feuds: The Twitter Wars

July 21st, 2016 | by Seth Frederiksen

Fandom wars can be messy. Back at the start of 2016, our ComiConverse editorial section called for a return to civility between and amongst fandoms. Here, our Seth Frederiksen picks up on the same theme as he examines a growing problem in geekdom, called Twitter Wars. Within the many...