Star Wars The Force Awakens: Echoes of Luke Skywalker

Tatiana Hullender Tatiana Hullender
October 28th, 2015

Longtime fan of comic books and their various adaptations. Aspiring writer who works in advertising for nonce.

Star Wars The Force Awakens: Echoes of Luke Skywalker
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Two teasers and a full trailer have now dropped for Star Wars: The Force Awakens, yet everyone is still asking one question. Where in the world is Luke Skywalker? ComiConverse's Tatiana Hullander has a theory.

The protagonist of the original Star Wars trilogy has been conspicuously absent from most marketing for the latest film, aside from a few behind-the-scenes photos. This has led to mass speculation regarding his whereabouts and role in the story. Is the robotic hand reaching out to R2-D2 his? Will he have fallen to the dark side since Return of the Jedi? It’s possible we won’t know the answer until our Christmas presents arrive in the form of a midnight Star Wars screening, but I would like to propose a theory. Luke is nowhere to be found in the movie’s publicity, but his presence can be felt everywhere – especially when you look at the trajectories of our new heroes and villain.

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