Spider-Man: Preparing For The New Mary Jane
Writer for ComiConverse.com, Biggest Superhero Movie Fan, Aspiring Screenwriter, Freelance Writer
Mary Jane Watson rumours are swirling around the cast of Spider-Man: Homecoming. Fan outrage over comic book movie castings is nothing new, but here our own Dewayne Edwards lays out a defence of recent studio castings and explains why fans should be avoid a rush to judgement.
Spider-Man: Preparing For The New Mary Jane
Recently, the internet has been filled with anger and heated debates about the recent rumors surrounding the cast of Spider-Man: Homecoming. The one that stands out the most is the rumored casting of Zendaya, playing the role of one of Spider-Man's long time love interest, Mary Jane Watson.
I don't feel comfortable saying that this is confirmed just yet, given all the constant surrounding rumours, but it does raise a question. If the rumour is true, why are people so angry?
To start with, I think we need to learn to start trusting in Marvel's process in the way they make movies. Are their movies perfect, absolutely not, but they have a pretty good track-record and probably deserve some breathing room.
I know...I can hear you now, hard core DC fan boys, your