Batman: The TellTale Series Review

Crystal Kendrick Crystal Kendrick
August 8th, 2016


Reviewed by:
On August 8, 2016
Last modified:August 8, 2016


Realm of shadows is not the best game on the market, but its not bad. Buyers should be cautious about buying the game right now though, because not all of the technical issues have been fixed for everyone.


Reviewed by:

On August 8, 2016
Last modified:August 8, 2016


Realm of shadows is not the best game on the market, but its not bad. Buyers should be cautious about buying the game right now though, because not all of the technical issues have been fixed for everyone.

The TellTale Series is finally here! As announced in my previous article, Batman: The TellTale Series was released on August 2nd, 2016. Here's my review of Episode One: Realm of Shadows!

Batman The TellTale Series: Pros

TellTale makes sure to let people know as soon as the game starts that gameplay changes based on the player's decisions throughout the story. Unlike a few other games with decisions, this game's choices do actually have an effect on what happens. For example, after making certain choices, a message might pop-up at the top of the screen to let the player know that a certain character will remember an action they took earlier. Now, I don't know how drastically a certain decision will change the game, but based on TellTale's other series and the message from the beginning, it's pretty safe to say that the games choices will actually have serious implications.

The game's sound effects are amazing. Every sound just makes sense and, on top of that, they actually sound realistic. Sound effects might be something that go unappreciated a lot by game players, but that's why I think it's particualrly important to note that TellTale did a great job on this game's effects.

Batman: The TellTale Series

Credit: Telltale Games

Batman The TellTale Series: Realm of Shadows

Realm of Shadows actually has a great, attention grabbing story line! I have to admit, I wasn't too sure that I'd be interested in the story arc for this game. I'm not the biggest Batman fan and I prefer horror games over any other genre. However, this game's storyline just kept pulling me in. It's not the best writing I've ever seen, but to be able to keep my interest as someone who already had doubts going in, it's clear that the story is pretty solid and full of intrigue.

Batman The TellTale Series: Performance Issues

Game developers will always have issues with their game. No game is perfect. TellTale was no different this time around. On the release date of Batman: The TellTale Series, the game's Steam page was flooded with negative reviews about the fact that the game was not working on many people's PCs. These complaints got so bad that the overall user reviews of the game went down to "mixed". Telltale acted quickly, and on August 3rd they released a patch for the game. The reviews have since shot all the way back up to "Mostly Positive". This shows that TellTale was listening to fans and responded promptly to issues that occurred with this game.

It is really important that a game be playable and it is clear that TellTale is taking the steps to ensure that; much to the relief, I'm sure, of many Batman fans around the world.

Batman The TellTale Series: Cons

Batman The TellTale Series

Credit: TellTale Games

Realm of Shadows is very choice-heavy. In some parts, it seems like every five seconds the player is making some type of choice on what to say or do. Now this game is a visual novel so fans of visual novels probably won't take an issue with this. However, some people don't like to spend so much time having mundane conversations and would rather just get into the action and run around a little bit in more dynamic gameplay.

Which brings me to my next point. Sometimes the game is much too cut-scene heavy. The player can't do anything. They can't make any choices and they can't control their character. In moments like these, all they can do is sit back and watch a short little clip that is part of the game and moves the story along. Again, the game is a visual novel, but other visual novels have done better at not making the cut-scenes less intrusive. Heavy cut-scenes can lead players to forget that they are playing a game. During some of the cut-scenes, it felt like I was just watching a movie as opposed to actually controlling and affecting the outcome of a character.

Batman: The TaleTale Series

Credit: Telltale Games

Despite the fact that Telltale has been responsive and on their toes about getting some of the techinical issues fixed, some PC players are still having issues. Obviously most of the PC players are no longer being affected, as stated earlier. There are still enough players being affected by technical difficulties that negative reviews on the steam page are not al that uncommon.

This might be a red flag to someone who is going to buy the game.

They have no clue if they will be one of the unlucky ones who still canot play the game on their PC. With a price of

Source: TellTale Games

Batman: The TellTale Series Realm of Shadowm

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Realm of shadows is not the best game on the market, but its not bad. Buyers should be cautious about buying the game right now though, because not all of the technical issues have been fixed for everyone.

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