Game Review: Batman: The Telltale Series (Season 1)
Batman: The Telltale Series is an episodic story-led adventure game out now on the majority of gaming platforms. Emerging from the Batcave for Comiconverse is Alan Stock with this review covering the entire first season, five episodes in all. Game Review: Batman: The Telltale Series...
Batman: The TellTale Series Review
The TellTale Series is finally here! As announced in my previous article, Batman: The TellTale Series was released on August 2nd, 2016. Here's my review of Episode One: Realm of Shadows! Batman The TellTale Series: Pros TellTale makes sure to let people know as soon...
Introducing Batman: The TellTale Series
TellTale Games will soon release the first edition of their new Batman series, and ComiConverse's own Crystal Kendrick is here to get you ready for the big day. Introducing Batman: The TellTale Series On August 2nd, 2016, TellTale Games will be releasing their first ever...