Marvel’s Most Wanted: 5 Villains We Hope to See

Jamie Udinson Fanny Pack
October 28th, 2015

I'm a secret agent by day, but by night I'm a great pontificator of all things nerd on television. I write for and might be lurking in your Twitch stream. Sometimes I play Hearthstone while I wait for my lattes. Enjoy!

Marvel’s Most Wanted: 5 Villains We Hope to See
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No. 1:  Taskmaster

Credit: Marvel

Credit: Marvel

In the Marvel canon, Taskmaster is Tony Masters—ex S.H.I.E.L.D. agent with the power to copy the fighting skills of his opponents. Taskmaster is a mercenary of sorts, and a teacher to some notable Marvel villains via his numerous academies scattered throughout the country. Some have said they believed S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Grant Ward will ultimately become the Taskmaster, but absent confirmation that this is the case, there is room for a villain such as this. As a resource for criminal organizations in training their recruits, the Taskmaster would be a pivotal target for any team hoping to stop the threat of terrorism within our borders.

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