
Marvel’s Most Wanted: 5 Villains We Hope to See

Marvel’s Most Wanted: 5 Villains We Hope to See

October 28th, 2015 | by Fanny Pack

It's official, Marvel's Most Wanted will be wreaking havoc for some of our favorite Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and our Fanny Pack is here to talk about some of the baddest Marvel villains we hope get a spot on the list. For those of us who love...

Grant Ward: Hot Mess or Messy Writing?

Grant Ward: Hot Mess or Messy Writing?

October 18th, 2015 | by Jenny Krohn

With those high cheekbones, a tragic backstory and moves that can literally kill, it is undeniable that Grant Ward’s puppy-dog eyes are virtually irresistible. So what is up with Grant Ward? With the new season of Agents of SHIELD on the air, this is a character who...