Martian Manhunter: The Case For A DCEU Film

Davis McCondichie Davis McCondichie
October 2nd, 2016

I am a student at the University of Missouri, who is studying documentary film. In my free time, I enjoy watching movies of all kinds and reading the latest comics.

Martian Manhunter: The Case For A DCEU Film
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No. 2:  A John Jones Persona

For those unfamiliar with Martian Manhunter, his alias is a cop named John Jones. Despite being a green Martian, J'onzz can shapeshift, and in particular versions of the character he takes the place of a cop named John Jones after he dies. Adding the John Jones persona will humanize Martian Manhunter and give a recognizable face to the otherwise green CGI character. Making J'onzz a cop in the film can also be a plot device. Imagine a cop busting crimes all while secretly being an alien from outer space. It's an intriguing concept.

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