5 Games That Should Be Great Film Franchises

Jordan Samuel Jordan Samuel
August 28th, 2015

Content Editor, Film Critic and Writer for ComiConverse.com, the Founder and co-host of the official Nerdcast Network Podcast

5 Games That Should Be Great Film Franchises
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No. 2: Halo


Credit: Microsoft

A long time ago, back in 2002, one game was on everyone's mind; that was Halo, the first proper shooter available on home consoles. It evolved around Master Chief, a badass space marine that went on crazy missions fighting aliens.

Something about the game made a massive impact on gaming, due to the simply outstanding lore and addictive multiplayer features. Microsoft have been trying to adapt the title on the big screen for some time.  At one point, both Neil Blomkamp and Peter Jackson were attached to the project.

Neil Blomkamp once stated that the project was done, but sadly Fox wanted something else from the franchise; which really sucks, because this movie could be the biggest video game film of all-time, with an immense following behind it.

Hopefully, down the line, Microsoft will come to some agreement and give fans the movie they deserve.

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