Women In Comics: Female Characters We Can Relate To

Christina Clawson Christina Clawson
October 15th, 2015

CEO of Geekyloot.com, Christina is a freelance blogger, aspiring author, foodie, fangirl, and lover of cats, coffee, and comics!

Women In Comics: Female Characters We Can Relate To
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No. 3: Michonne

First Appearance: The Walking Dead #19 by Image Comics.


Credit: Image Comics

Michonne is unforgettable and for good reason. With her katanna, resourcefulness, and cunning, she is a living representation of a modern woman thrown into an impossible situation, but who continues to thrive in spite of it.

She deals with many inner conflicts, among them falling in love with men who keep on dying because of the zombie apocalypse, yet she keeps herself in check and manages to outwit and outfight those who threaten her. She is seen as a leader by others even though she would not think of herself as one, and as one of the strongest members of the Grimes party. People look to her for her opinion and also rely on her skills to keep them out of harm's way. While at times she can come across as heartless because she knows that she has to get things done, no matter how messy, she cares deeply about the other survivors in her group and would do anything to protect them.

These three characters embody the triumph of the human spirit while overcoming difficult odds. They are problem solvers and strong women that have become role-models as they show their resilience and resourcefulness in worlds that are filled with opposition.

There are many more amazing female comic book characters from different publishers that deserve their own nods, but for being absolutely relatable, these are my top three favorites.

What female characters do you relate and look up to?  Tell us in the comments section below.


Christina Clawson is a Contributor to ComiConverse. Follow here on Twitter: @Geeky_Loot

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