Women In Comics: Female Characters We Can Relate To

Christina Clawson Christina Clawson
October 15th, 2015

CEO of Geekyloot.com, Christina is a freelance blogger, aspiring author, foodie, fangirl, and lover of cats, coffee, and comics!

Women In Comics: Female Characters We Can Relate To
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No. 2: Cassie Hack

First Appearance: Hack/Slash: Euthanized #1 – The Strange Story of Cassie Hack by Devil's Due Publishing.

Cassie Hack

Credit: Devil's Due Publishing

There are few comic heroes with a sadder back story than Cassie Hack. Her backstory includes being victimized at school and having to live in foster care, and yet, despite her adversity - and having to kill her own mother - she turns the tables and becomes a bad-ass vigilante who hunts down and dispatches slashers (killers who have turned after death and come back as something far more sinister). While she has been an outcast all her life, Cassie has an inner need to be loved, and she is fiercely loyal to the few people who can get close to her.

Though she feels that she doesn't have the luxury of forming friendships, because of how dangerous her life and purpose is, she still finds that there are people who are willing to help her; most of all, Vlad, who stands by her side through several dangerous situations. Cassie is a character that has flaws, but her grit and determination, combined with her skills, make for an interesting, multidimensional and highly relatable character.

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