Top 5 Trilogies Of All Time

Dewayne Edwards Dewayne Edwards
July 22nd, 2017

Writer for, Biggest Superhero Movie Fan, Aspiring Screenwriter, Freelance Writer

Top 5 Trilogies Of All Time
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With the third installment of the Planet of the Apes franchise, War for the Planet of the Apes, just released, positive reviews have movie fans wondering if this trilogy will go down as one of the best of all time. ComiConverse contributor Dewayne Edwards gives his opinion on the top five trilogies of all time.

Top 5 Trilogies Of All Time

When putting this list together, at first it seemed like it would be easy to choose a top five. But when thinking about how many great trilogies there are – Austin Powers, TerminatorThe Godfather, the original Star Wars films  –  it proved very challenging. In no specific order, here are my top five trilogies of all time.

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