Game Review: Batman: The Telltale Series (Season 1)
Batman: The Telltale Series is an episodic story-led adventure game out now on the majority of gaming platforms. Emerging from the Batcave for Comiconverse is Alan Stock with this review covering the entire first season, five episodes in all. Game Review: Batman: The Telltale Series...
Ranking The 10 Worst Superhero Games – Part 2
Superhero games like Batman: Arkham Asylum have the ability to penetrate popular culture and become iconic. However, more often than not they tend to disappoint. We've already covered rankings 10 through 6 in the category for worst superhero video games. Join us as ComiConverse Contributor...
The Superhero Soccer Video That Will Blow Your Mind
Ronnie Street Stunts is a self-described free-runner, YouTuber and stunt man. Ronnie's developed quite the reputation over the years for his insane parkour videos, as well as connecting his stunts to various pop-culture themes, like Star Wars. The superhero-themed soccer video we are focusing on...
Review: Batman v Superman Ultimate Edition
Back when the theatrical cut of Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice was released, fans and moviegoers had all but made up their minds about this movie - they either loved it or hated it - a lot. Batman and Superman - two of the greatest superheroes...
The Worst Superhero Injuries In Comics
Superhero injuries come with the job description, but every once in a while one of our courageous comics crusaders suffers a truly catastrophic calamity. This latest addition to our ComiConverse infographics collection breaks down some of the all-time ugliest breakdowns in the history of comics....