
Comic Conventions: Can One Con Rule Them All?

Comic Conventions: Can One Con Rule Them All?

January 17th, 2017 | by Linda Marie

With the comic convention season in a bit of a lull and in the spirit of positivity for 2017, this is a perfect opportunity to share some standout performances I've experienced while meandering the con scene of 2016. I can only speak to those conventions that...

NYCC 2016: My New York Comic Con-Quest

NYCC 2016: My New York Comic Con-Quest

October 20th, 2016 | by Linda Marie

New York Comic Con 2016 is done and in the books. Our Linda White was there to keep you up to date on all of the action and brings you this ComiConverse review. NYCC 2016: My New York Comic Con-Quest Four days. You would think...

Ninjak: We ComiConverse With Ciera Foster And Kevin Porter

Ninjak: We ComiConverse With Ciera Foster And Kevin Porter

October 18th, 2016 | by Linda Marie

 The Ninjak web series titled Ninjak vs. the Valiant Universe with Michael Rowe portraying the character, is getting a lot of attention. Here, our very own Linda White had the opportunity to interview two of the show's stars. Ninjak: ComiConversing With Ciera Foster And Kevin Porter...

NYCC: Surviving The Javits Jungle

NYCC: Surviving The Javits Jungle

September 18th, 2016 | by Linda Marie

The New York Comic Con (NYCC) clock is quickly counting down to that "one week to bring them all and in its geek-dom bind them". New York Comic Con baby! The bustling excitement of NYCC envelopes fans from all walks of life in a way that...

LGBT Geeks Get Their Flame On At FlameCon 2

LGBT Geeks Get Their Flame On At FlameCon 2

August 31st, 2016 | by Shannen Murphy

FlameCon 2 recently went down in New York City and our Shannen Murphy was there for ComiConverse. Here, Shannen details her recent time and experiences at the event and what the sense of community meant to her. LGBT Geeks Get Their Flame On At FlameCon...

We ComiConverse With Kristina Esposito

We ComiConverse With Kristina Esposito

October 8th, 2015 | by Jonathan Thompson

Our Jonathan Thompson has been taking a deep look at Virtual Hitman, a independent film that has been screened as part of GeekFest Film Festival.  In this interview, Jonathan speaks with the project's producer about her inspiration and what it took to get the project to movie...