
ComiConverse Preview: March 2016

ComiConverse Preview: March 2016

March 2nd, 2016 | by Jordan Samuel

ComiConverse Lead Film Critic, Jordan Samuel, provides a comprehensive list of what to look for at the cinema, and on television, in the first installment of this new series: ComiConverse Preview. March is shaping up to be solid month for Marvel and DC fans as 2016...

The Top 10 Marvel Romances

The Top 10 Marvel Romances

February 17th, 2016 | by Mitch Nissen

Valentine's Day has come and gone, but who says we can't profess our love 365 days a year? ComiConverse contributor, Mitch Nissen, is here with a look at the ten greatest Marvel romances. Being a superhero is not an easy job. You get yelled at,...

Daredevil Season 2: What We Know

Daredevil Season 2: What We Know

September 3rd, 2015 | by Zane Rodriguez

Daredevil Season 2 is on the way and our Zane Rodriguez has the low down on what we can expect. Most of us did the same thing and binged on Daredevil season 1 a few days after it was released on Netflix last April 10th....

Comics: Questioning the Sub-List

Comics: Questioning the Sub-List

August 13th, 2015 | by Michael Carter

Questioning the Sub-List is a segment in which I go through my comic subscriptions to decide what goes, what stays and what I anticipate purchasing based on the newest, monthly solicitations. Comics are expensive nowadays, right? Forever gone are the days when the cover price for...

Daredevil Season 1: A Latecomers View

Daredevil Season 1: A Latecomers View

August 10th, 2015 | by Rob Ayers

I just watched some TV. Daredevil season one to be specific. This wouldn’t be mind-bending news in a normal household, but for me it was pretty cool. I work a lot (art gigs anywhere I can find them), I live very far from home (an...

Elektra Confirmed For Daredevil Season 2

Elektra Confirmed For Daredevil Season 2

July 10th, 2015 | by Dale Martin

Daredevil second season is on the way and we are keeping you up to date here on ComiConverse. It's strange to think that there was a time when we were not sure if Daredevil would ever have a second season. While Marvel had confirmed all...

Forgettable Comics Movies

Forgettable Comics Movies

May 31st, 2015 | by Jordan Samuel

Comics movies have had some great successes in recent years, but its worth remembering the big screen tragedies; if only to remind us how lucky we've been lately. I want to warn readers who love these characters that you might cry reading this article. You...