
Review: The Saga of the Jack of Spades

Review: The Saga of the Jack of Spades

December 3rd, 2015 | by Dean Carls II

Gamble or steal? ComiConverse's Dean Carls says steal. He's here to give us the scoop on The Saga of the Jack of Spades. The Saga of the Jack of Spades is a project I have followed for quite some time now; from merely just a Twitter page, to a...

Review: The Poet and the Flea

Review: The Poet and the Flea

December 2nd, 2015 | by Cody Tromler

The Poet and the Flea is comic creator G.E Gallas' first step into the arena of comic book creation. Our Cody Tromler is here to tell out how this first-timer's maiden voyage went.  The Poet and the Flea started life as a project on Kickstarter, and acts...

The Paybacks Does Superhero Satire Right

The Paybacks Does Superhero Satire Right

December 2nd, 2015 | by Kenny Coburn

New satirical series The Paybacks is a love letter to the absurdity that the superhero genre can become. ComiConverse's Kenny Coburn is here to explore its unique brand of thoughtful and respectful satire. Not every superhero and villain can afford all of the elaborate equipment they need with just...

Batman Costumes Through The Ages

Batman Costumes Through The Ages

December 2nd, 2015 | by Chris Barnes

Over the course of more than 75 years, Batman has gone through more than a few wardrobe changes. ComiConverse's Chris Barnes is here to take a quick look at a few of the main costume types Batman has sported. For the most part Batman's overall look has stayed somewhat...

Review: Jessica Jones Season 1

Review: Jessica Jones Season 1

November 30th, 2015 | by AJ DeMare

Jessica Jones shows off the ugliest and grittiest part of the MCU  in this gripping psychological drama that gives a greater depth to Marvel’s Netflix Universe. Marvel’s Jessica Jones has been out for a week now, so the following will be spoilerific. Jessica Jones is badass,...

Review: Superman #46

Review: Superman #46

November 29th, 2015 | by Kyle King

Left with fewer powers and no secret identity by Truth, Superman has begun to track down the many enemies who are conspiring against him in Justice. On Wednesday, the story arc continued as the Man of Steel worked to locate HORDR in Superman #46 by...

Review: Superman: Lois and Clark #2

Review: Superman: Lois and Clark #2

November 28th, 2015 | by Kyle King

As the New 52 Superman wrestles with the challenges of the Justice story arc in the foreground of the mainstream DC Comics continuity, Dan Jurgens and Lee Weeks are telling a different tale starring the pre-Flashpoint Man of Steel, the former Daily Planet star reporter...

Review: Superman/Wonder Woman #23

Review: Superman/Wonder Woman #23

November 28th, 2015 | by Kyle King

Superman, whose powers were reduced in Truth and who was thrust into Justice full of mistrust after his secret identity was exposed, is hunting down the complex conspiracy that has been working against him in secret through separate yet interwoven story arcs being told in...

Batman: The Killing Joke – What About Kevin Conroy?

Batman: The Killing Joke – What About Kevin Conroy?

November 23rd, 2015 | by ComiConverse

Though nothing official has been released, Kevin Conroy now seems increasingly likely to return to reprise his role as Batman, alongside Mark Hamill as The Joker, in the upcoming Warner Brothers animated feature The Killing Joke. now lists Mr. Conroy and Mr. Hamill as...

Review: Bizarro #6

Review: Bizarro #6

November 23rd, 2015 | by Kyle King

Bizarro and Jimmy Olsen have taken a road trip to Canada using a map that guided them straight through the Silver Age. The final installment of Heath Corson’s and Gustavo Duarte’s six-issue limited series was released this past week, and ComiConverse’s Superman writer, T. Kyle...

Review: Action Comics #46

Review: Action Comics #46

November 21st, 2015 | by Kyle King

In Truth, Superman lost most of his powers and had his secret identity exposed, but now he has started striking back at the shadowy conspiracy out to destroy him. The Justice story arc continued in this week's Action Comics #46, and ComiConverse's Superman writer, T....

Review: Usagi Yojimbo #150

Review: Usagi Yojimbo #150

November 20th, 2015 | by Kenny Coburn

Usagi Yojimbo hits another milestone with issue #150, after celebrating its 30th anniversary just last year. For the first time, Miyamoto Usagi, the wandering ronin, comes in contact with a European traveler. The traveler becomes obsessed with the idea of witnessing seppuku, ritual suicide, after defeating every samurai...

Review: Superman – American Alien #1

Review: Superman – American Alien #1

November 15th, 2015 | by Kyle King

Filmmaker and Eisner Award nominee Max Landis has teamed up with a variety of illustrators to pen a seven-part series the writer bills as the antithesis of Grant Morrison's All-Star Superman. In Superman: American Alien, Landis aspires to tell the story not of the Man...

Review: Batman/Superman #26

Review: Batman/Superman #26

November 15th, 2015 | by Kyle King

In Truth, Clark Kent’s secret identity was revealed and Kal-El lost most of his Kryptonian powers. In Justice, Superman began fighting back against the shadowy conspiracy uniting the villains from DC Comics’ four monthly series starring the Man of Steel. ComiConverse’s Superman writer, T. Kyle...

Review: Batman Beyond #1-5

Review: Batman Beyond #1-5

November 11th, 2015 | by Anthony Angiolillo

Batman Beyond, by DC Comics, continues to thrill audiences and fly off comics shelves around the world. Our own Anthony Angiolilo takes a look at how the current story arc is unfolding. Since Future's End finished up, Batman Beyond has kept right on rolling, so...

Review: Star Wars #11

Review: Star Wars #11

November 8th, 2015 | by Max Silver

Star Wars #11 is hitting comics shelves and our very own Max Silver has a comprehensive review for your, exclusively here on ComiConverse. Conflict is reaching critical on the smugglers moon of Nar Shaddaa, and while issue #11 is not the grand intersection of Aaron’s...

Review: Baby Badass #1

Review: Baby Badass #1

November 6th, 2015 | by Jonathan Thompson

Our own Jonathan Thompson takes a look at a new and violent comic about a rather bloodthirsty baby. Hybrau comics is bringing its first tale to the masses, of a crazed baby who is hungry for blood. Surrounded by crazed bikers, a mysterious agency hunting...

Review: Superman #45

Review: Superman #45

November 1st, 2015 | by Kyle King

Superman came through Truth with his powers diminished and his secret identity revealed. Now, in Justice, the Man of Steel is striking back at the dark conspiracy that brought him from the mountaintop to the valley. The story continued in Superman #45, and ComiConverse’s T....

Five Must-Read Comics This Fall

Five Must-Read Comics This Fall

October 31st, 2015 | by Cody Tromler

There's no shortage of great comics to read to put yourself in the Hallowe'en mood.  Our Cody Tromler lists five comics that every comic junkie must read for Hallowe'en. Hallowe'en is a time for ghosts and ghouls, goblins and gremlins and other spooky things that...

Aliens: Earth War: A Slow on the Draw Review

Aliens: Earth War: A Slow on the Draw Review

October 26th, 2015 | by Rob Ayers

Hello party people! Brace yourselves, for today's Slow on the Draw review our Rob Ayers is dragging a nostalgic depth marker up from the stygian, viscous fissure of his memory... Aliens: Earth War! Not a proper Slow on the Draw, really, since I know and love this...

Jimmy Olsen: 75 Years of Superman’s Pal

Jimmy Olsen: 75 Years of Superman’s Pal

October 23rd, 2015 | by Kyle King

DC Comics has spent the last couple of years commemorating the 75th birthdays of some of the industry giant's most venerable superhero comics characters, but there is one glaring omission. Our Superman writer, Kyle King, offers some suggestions on how to correct this error. Superhero...

Review: I Hate Fairyland #1

Review: I Hate Fairyland #1

October 20th, 2015 | by Cody Tromler

I Hate Fairyland is Marvel veteran Skottie Young's first creator owned title for Image Comics. Our Cody Tomler is here to give us the sugar coated scoop. I Hate Fairyland is the tale of one little girl's romp through a magical kingdom of fairies and magic,...