
Review: Veda: Assembly Required

Review: Veda: Assembly Required

January 5th, 2016 | by Cody Tromler

Veda: Assembly Required by Dark Horse Comics is the very first comic from the mind of writer Samuel Teer, alongside illustrator Hyeondo Park  and colorist Kelly Fitzpatrick. Our Cody Tromler assembled this review to tell you whether or not Veda is required reading. Veda: Assembly Required...

Robin Through The Ages

Robin Through The Ages

January 5th, 2016 | by ComiConverse

Whether it be Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Jason Todd or Damian Wayne, there has most always been a Robin at Batman's side. In 2015, DC Comics celebrated Robin's 75th anniversary and at ComiConverse we joined in the fun with this cool Robin Through The Age...

Who Is Your Superheroine Soulmate?

Who Is Your Superheroine Soulmate?

January 5th, 2016 | by ComiConverse

Heroines like Wonder Woman and Black Canary are now finding their way into DC Entertainment's expanded universe in film and television.  This fun infographic utilizes popular and highly searchable characters and would be ideal for a site that caters to a primarily male audience.  ...

We ComiConverse With Sean Lewis

We ComiConverse With Sean Lewis

January 3rd, 2016 | by Gabe Golden

Saints author and playwright Sean Lewis is fast becoming a fan favourite at Image Comics. Our Gabe Golden recently sat down with Mr. Lewis to talk about the origins of Saints, as well as his writing and comics craft. What would it be like if you...

Review: Superman: Lois and Clark #3

Review: Superman: Lois and Clark #3

January 2nd, 2016 | by Kyle King

The pre-Flashpoint Superman is back! Hiding out in the background of the mainstream DC Universe, the older Clark Kent is married to Lois Lane and raising their son Jonathan. Superman: Lois and Clark #3 has hit the stands, and ComiConverse’s Man of Steel writer, T....

10 Amazing Batman Battles

10 Amazing Batman Battles

January 1st, 2016 | by ComiConverse

Batman's greatest comics battles have been included in many of his on-screen appearances. Whether it be Batman's war with The Joker in The Dark Knight or his contest with Superman in Dawn of Justice, Batman's fight scenes seldom disappoint. This infographic featuring ten of the...

Review: Superman Annual #3

Review: Superman Annual #3

January 1st, 2016 | by Kyle King

Superman survived Truth, but with his powers reduced and his secret identity exposed. In Justice, Clark Kent tied together the strands of the conspiracy against him, which all led back to Vandal Savage. The plotlines converged in this week's Superman Annual #3, which ComiConverse's Man of...

Review: Superman/Wonder Woman #24

Review: Superman/Wonder Woman #24

December 31st, 2015 | by Kyle King

Superman saw his powers diminished and his secret identity revealed in Truth, but, as DC Comics’ Justice arc moves toward its conclusion, the Man of Steel is closing in on the conspiracy behind his downfall. ComiConverse’s Superman writer, T. Kyle King, takes a look at...

Review: Narcopolis Continuum #1

Review: Narcopolis Continuum #1

December 30th, 2015 | by Jonathan Thompson

Narcopolis Continuum #1 has hit comics shelves and our own Jonathan Thompson is here with our ComiConverse review. Building from the world created in the sci-fi thriller Narcopolis, Narcopolis Continuum #1 by Heavy Metal, tells the story of Ben Grieves, a genius inventor working for Ambro...

The Many Loves Of Peter Parker

The Many Loves Of Peter Parker

December 29th, 2015 | by ComiConverse

Peter Parker is one of the most loved heroes in all of comics... and fans seem to like him as well. Over the course of his superhero career, stretching all the way back to his original Marvel Comics appearance in 1962, our friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man...

Review: Superman #47

Review: Superman #47

December 28th, 2015 | by Kyle King

DC Comics is wrapping up its Justice story arc, in which Superman, after having his powers reduced and his identity revealed, attempts to piece together the conspiracy connecting plot-lines from multiple comic book series. Our Man of Steel writer, T. Kyle King, brings us his...

Deadpool: Everything You Need To Know

Deadpool: Everything You Need To Know

December 27th, 2015 | by ComiConverse

Deadpool's newest trailer dropped over the holidays and Marvel fans around the world were fortunate enough to catch an additional three minutes with "The Merc With The Mouth". The trailer gave us a few more hints about the pieces of Marvel's Cinematic Universe that will...

The Evolution Of Iron Man’s Armour

The Evolution Of Iron Man’s Armour

December 25th, 2015 | by ComiConverse

Iron Man has had a long and glorious run on the silver screen, with fans gaining valuable insight into the evolution of his armour along the way. From the original Iron Man trilogy to the character's appearance in the Avengers films, fans have often been...

The Evolution of Ant-Man

The Evolution of Ant-Man

December 23rd, 2015 | by ComiConverse

Ant-Man had quite the year in 2015. Marvel's tiniest hero burst on to the movie scene with his own live-action blockbuster and is due to appear, this coming year, in Captain America: Civil War. Here, along with our friends at, we chart the evolution...

CBS Supergirl: On The Supergirl Fence

CBS Supergirl: On The Supergirl Fence

December 20th, 2015 | by Kate Blake

CBS's Supergirl is one of the more popular new shows on television, but is the show's writing strong enough to keep fans interested? Our Kate Blake explains why she is still on the Supergirl fence. First things first, I have not read the Supergirl comics...

Review: Superman: American Alien #2

Review: Superman: American Alien #2

December 18th, 2015 | by Kyle King

Superman Writer and filmmaker Max Landis is teaming up with a variety of graphic artists to author a seven-issue limited series telling the story of Clark Kent as he tries to be normal in spite of his tremendous powers. ComiConverse's Man of Steel correspondent, T....

Review: Dragon Age: Magekiller #1

Review: Dragon Age: Magekiller #1

December 16th, 2015 | by Kenny Coburn

Based on the hit Bioware video game series, Dragon Age, Dragon Age: Magekiller by Dark Horse Comics dives deeper into the lore of Thedas by following two mage killers for hire, Tessa and Marius. Each, is a mercenary willing to fight back against the mages but, only...

Comics Review: Call of Duty: Black Ops III Rings Hollow

Comics Review: Call of Duty: Black Ops III Rings Hollow

December 16th, 2015 | by Kenny Coburn

Dark Horse Comics has recently released the first two issues of a new series, inspired by the Call of Duty: Black Ops III video game. Unfortunately, it fails to capture any of the aspects that make that game good and instead, focuses on building around one...

The Weirdest Alternate Versions of Spider-Man

The Weirdest Alternate Versions of Spider-Man

December 12th, 2015 | by ComiConverse

Spider-Man, as we all know, has been one of the most portrayed heroes in the history of comics. From live-action, to cartoons, to graphic novels and video games, everyone's favourite Marvel Comics web-slinger has always been at the fore of popular culture. Accomplishing that, however,...

Review: Batman/Superman #27

Review: Batman/Superman #27

December 10th, 2015 | by Kyle King

Superman may have lost most of his powers and had his secret identity revealed in Truth, but Clark Kent is now fighting back against a complex conspiracy centered around Vandal Savage. This week’s chapter of Justice took place in Batman/Superman #27, which ComiConverse’s Man of...

Harley Quinn: The Evolution of Madness

Harley Quinn: The Evolution of Madness

December 10th, 2015 | by ComiConverse

Harley Quinn is one of the most intriguing and beloved characters in all of comics. From her humble beginnings on an episode of Batman: The Animated Series to her inclusion in the upcoming blockbuster Suicide Squad, she has become an icon of the DC Comics universe...

Review: Action Comics #47

Review: Action Comics #47

December 5th, 2015 | by Kyle King

The Justice story arc is picking up steam as Superman seeks to tie together the shadowy conspiracy that uncovered his secret identity and stole most of his powers. The latest installment was released this week in Action Comics #47, and ComiConverse’s Man of Steel correspondent,...