Sony Pictures Might Be On Sale? What it Means

Jordan Samuel Jordan Samuel
February 3rd, 2018

Content Editor, Film Critic and Writer for, the Founder and co-host of the official Nerdcast Network Podcast

Sony Pictures Might Be On Sale? What it Means

Spider-Man rights holder, Sony Pictures might be up for sale after shifting executives and leaders in the large company. Despite having a solid 2017 with box office hits Spider-Man: Homecoming and Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle it seems that Sony might be leaving the film arena for good. According to Deadline, Sony Picture’s sale could be in the bag, due to CEO Kaz Hirai announcing his retirement from his position and financial man Kenichiro Yoshida taking charge.

The development comes after 20th Century Fox sold their TV and film divisions to Disney, which delivered a shocking blow to the industry despite Disney gaining both X-Men and Fantastic Four rights. At one point in time, Sony fought heavily to gain FOX but lost to the massive Disney corporation. But it seems like the Sony Film division could be on sale, as Yoshida cares about numbers something the company has been losing with their Ghostbusters and Emojii efforts failing in the box office race.


Despite speculations from the insiders, there is no clear evidence of a sale. But Yoshida's push for profit will indeed allow for a more focused company, fixated on delivering the best products and earning a solid base of numbers. Kaz Hirai is no longer involved with the film division, which leads me to believe a massive change is in the process, allowing for a more substantial technology company to exist. Sony Entertainment has not had the best last few years, with The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and Ghostbusters all impact their wallets.

While nothing has been confirmed, it would be interesting to see Disney enter the bidding process and finally snag the rights for Spider-Man. Allowing for the Spider-Man Centric Sony Universe to cease and integrate the line of villains into the MCU.Sony's potential sale would not interfere with upcoming projects, including Venom, Black & White, and Kraven the Hunter. It most likely would change the way Marvel Studios look at the future of Spider-Man. But who knows? Perhaps the studio will continue and deliver great films.

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