Robin Through The Ages: Part 4

Chris Barnes Chris Barnes
July 17th, 2015

I'm a 35 year old Canadian living in Ontario. I read comics, I love to draw and I collect comic art. I also teach karate, play hockey, and am a dad to 3 girls! My comic book passion lies with Batman and his pals with Nightwing taking a very close #2 favourite position. I began collecting comic art in 2013 and I have several commissions done by Ken Lashley and an amazing Francis Manapul Batman. As well I have sold a few of my own creations!

Robin Through The Ages: Part 4
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No. 3: Carrie Kelly


Contained within the pages of Frank Miller's amazing work of The Dark Knight Returns young Carrie Kelly is saved by the Batman who has returned from retirement.  Seeing the state of the city, which has become more and more under the thumb of a mutant gang, Carrie decides that she should help out Batman.  She puts together a Robin costume and goes about stopping some of the low-level thugs, before finding out where and how to help Batman in his fight against the mutant leader.  Carrie helps turn the tide of the initial Batman vs Mutant Leader conflict, enough that Batman can escape. He then takes her on as Robin.

Carrie's tenure as Robin is the shortest as she only has the title for the one mini-series of books, she later returns and becomes Catgirl in The Dark Knight Strikes Again.

Carrie has appeared in the New 52 as Damian's acting instructor and in a Robin costume, but not as Robin.

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