Review: Weirdworld #2

Sammy Rendon Sammy Rendon
January 13th, 2016

I am a Hip-Hop head who is frequently visiting my comic book store. I am a cartoon watcher, vinyl record digger, comic book collector.

Review: Weirdworld #2
Review of: Weirdworld

Reviewed by:
On January 13, 2016
Last modified:January 13, 2016


This is a must read! This book is a great single-issue and leaves you cursing that last page (in a good way). Job well done!

Review of: Weirdworld

Reviewed by:

On January 13, 2016
Last modified:January 13, 2016


This is a must read! This book is a great single-issue and leaves you cursing that last page (in a good way). Job well done!

Weirdworld #2, by Marvel Comics, has arrived on store shelves and our own Sammy Rendon is here with our ComiConverse review, to break all of the action.

Weirdworld continues its run with Sam Humphries taking over, after Jason Aaron's five-issue series from The Secret Wars; which was released earlier this year. Mike Del Mundo is still on art, color art, and cover art, so Weirdworld will still contain the lush, vast visual appeal you expect every month you visit.

This is a story filled with its signature hybrid creatures. Its an invitation for adventure, so lets free fall into the world where the lost get found in Weirdworld #2: Belly Of The Cat Beast.

(Spoiler Alert)


Weirdworld itself is an inconstant, spontaneous world that seems not to have any sort of evolution or order to it. Its a simple dog-eat-dog world, which makes it dangerous for even the strangest, most highly-equipped creature to try and survive. Luckily for our hero, Becca Rodriguez, she runs into Goleta; a self-proclaimed Wizard-Slayer. Goleta chooses Becca to be her squire, based on the one interview question for the job "do you like wizards?"

Becca quickly catches on and Goleta welcomes her into her campaign.

Issue #1 was full of fun and danger and was loaded with questions. One answer we obtain early on was why Becca was so urgent to return to earth. It wasn't for her own safety, but so that she could take her mother's ashes to Mexico; where her mom wanted them laid to rest.

We find out that Becca's mother committed suicide and that Becca was only a senior in high school at the time. This sobering event brings a human aspect to an otherwise wacky world, making this comic book not just a fun adventure, but a book that bridges towards the sentimental, providing rich imagination.

As Goleta's squire, we see Becca Rodriguez being dressed down in proper Weirdworld attire and put to the test on her Wizard-tracking skills. Becca fails in each of her nine attempts in a hilarious, acme-cartoon-style montage. Behind the wheel of her "wiz-killah" automobile, Goleta gives her squire an earful about her horrible attempts. We then listen to a careless and annoyed Becca, as she delivers a monologue for the reader.

The pair then encounter the wizard who is responsible for Becca being in Weirdworld, who is now in the body of  a flying, fire-breathing, ram-horned cat!

Because of course she is.

Goleta loses control of the car and drives off a cliff. Becca and Goleta then have a close encounter with sand sharks, immediately after their car crash. Becca flees for safety and, in the midst of Goleta battling the sand sharks, she begins to admire the wizard-slayer in her barbaric, blood-lust battle form; dubbing her as "magnificent".

Becca even finds a way to dig up enough courage and truly act as a squire and assist Goleta.

The scene shifts and we are re-introduced to Queen Morgan Le Fay, as we watch her talk tactics for a battle happening in Fang Mountain, between the Lava-Men Army and the Man-Thing army, which is being protected by "The Grand Mechanic".

This sets the Queen into motion, as she sends for trackers to find Becca, Goleta and the Wuxian seed while she goes after The Grand Mechanic.

By the end of issue #2 we find our heroes being accompanied by Ogeode to fetch a body capable of using the Wuxian seed, so that Becca can be sent back to earth.

The group needs to repair the car they totalled, and the equipment that they need is in Fang Mountain, owned by the grand mechanic!

I know, right!


Weirdworld #2 allows readers to sink deeper into the story, as we encounter creatures and different settings in the local habitat. We also see some character development from some of the characters introduced into Weirdworld.

Although not all questions are answered, we get some more personality being shown by our heros in how they react in fight or flight situations; during which, physical and emotional strength is displayed.

Weirdworld is often one giant bizarre situation after another and, even though I have fun when these battles are happening, it doesn't help the plot unfold.

Issue #2 does a great job on combining these dynamics successfully. I hope Sam Humphries continues to balance story and fun, as he does in this issue, because that's what I feel makes this book so special. He makes great use of Mike Del Mundo and his gorgeous art, while at the same time moving the story along at a good pace.

It can get difficult sticking with as book when its a monthly annual,  but I trust this book is in good hands.

The lettering is done by Cory Petite. He does a great job keeping a smooth transition when characters are panicked or deep in thought. He gives a good emphasis on certain words when needed. We have Mike Del Mundo and Marco D'alfonso on colour art.

PINK, there's a whole lot of pink in Weirdworld and the color scheme changes when certain characters are being shown. There's also beautiful "white lightning" streaks that run through the characters, making whatever is being outlined pop with life.

Whether it's a hand or a crown, that effect makes it a work of art.

Mike Del Mundo's art is simply amazing. Every page turn is a masterpiece.

I am not exaggerating. He brings a soft, candy painted pastel pink. A clever contrast, masking the dangers of Weirdworld. Mike also gives each character and setting their own colour aura.

There's also a fun thing I noticed that only a hip-hop nerd would have caught. Goleta's weapon is the shape of a "G" much like the GZA symbol from The Wu-Tang Clan. Also, in the preview for issue #3, Goleta has a list of wizards she wants to slay and she will sometimes refer wizards as wiz, and one of the wiz's she has on her list is Wiz Khalifah!

Sam Humpries is doing a spectacular job. I want Becca to go home, but I do enjoy her time in Weirdworld.

I for one would love to know why Goleta is a wizard slayer?

Humphries gives us enough to keep us engaged but withholds enough to keep us coming back.

Overall, Weirdworld is a fun, wacky adventure with elements of humour and devastation.

It goes through every part of the emotional spectrum and that's what's going to make this book the one to subscribe to.

Published: January 06, 2016
Rating: Rated T+
Writer: Sam Humphries
Cover Artist: Mike Del Mundo


Sammy Rendon is a Contributor to ComiConverse. Follow him on Twitter: @Hip_HopNerd


  • 5


This is a must read! This book is a great single-issue and leaves you cursing that last page (in a good way). Job well done!

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