Review: We Are Robin #1

Ryan Mayer Ryan Mayer
July 3rd, 2015

I am a Sport Management major and Business minor at St. John's University in Queens, NY. I am a writer for,, and I also am the Twitter manager of I have always been in love with comics and football and hope to one day make a career out of it!

Review: We Are Robin #1

DC’s We are Robin is here and we have all the angles covered for you here at ComiConverse!

The “DC You” campaign continues to pump out new titles from their 24 new #1’s each week. This week they released the brand new series We Are Robin #1. This series brings us a new look into what it would be like if everyday children decided that with the Batman dead due to the events in Batman: Endgame, they would have to dawn the legendary “R” and all become Robin to defend their neighborhood. This series will take an interesting concept and seemingly meld modern day communication like social media and texting, to allow these young “heroes” to attempt to protect their city.

(Spoiler Alert)


We are Robin  #1 is the beginning to a very interesting story.

What would you do if the crime fighter that helped keep your city safe died and crime shot up again as a result?

That question is answered in this new series written by Lee Bermejo and art done by Jorge Corona, Rob Haynes, Khary Randolph. In this issue, we follow what seems to be our main character Duke Thomas. If you have read the Batman: Endgame series you should be familiar with Duke.

Early on we find ourselves with Duke getting to trouble after fighting with a group of kids.

He lives in a world now where people and families are still misplaced and dealing with the after-effects of the Joker's attack on Gotham, which used a new type of Joker serum. Duke finds his way into the subway system, where it is believed people who are still dealing with after-effects of the serum itself are hiding out. Duke believes his parents are down there, and if the police won’t look for them, he will. Through the issue we learn more and more about Duke and what he has been through.

We slowly get to meet members of Team Robin” but as background characters having their own conversation as Duke continues his investigation. Duke stumbles upon a cult leader taking advantage of these vulnerable people. He is quickly pointed out in the group due to his rather nice smelling cologne. The cult leader send his now minions to attack Duke, who is now off to the races trying to escape. Luckily the members of his new team have been following him and decide to step in and help. They even make fun of him for his slight helplessness in the situation. The final thing you see is the mysterious benefactor who is funding and helping “Team Robin”.



This issue is a very good start to what can possibly be an amazing story about a group of kids taking on the well known Robin mantle to protect the city they love. It seems as though writer Lee Bermejo wanted readers to latch onto Duke Thomas so that not only were the readers going through learning about the new crime fighting group, but they will have Duke Thomas going along for the ride with them. He also did a fantastic job of seamlessly adding Batman: Endgame references as well as other references throughout the comic. Although many would have bought the issue looking to have what they saw in the preview continue, fans will be happy to see the puzzle pieces starting to come together on who “Team Robin” is and who exactly is backing this team. Jorge Corona’s art as different as it was from the cover done by Bermejo himself, really showed off in the action scenes.

My Verdict:

This new series seems like it's going to be one of the most interesting coming out of the “DC You” campaign and soon will be fan favourite amongst comic readers! My vote is that you definitely go out and by this because you will definitely be getting more!

My Rating: 9/10


Ryan Mayer is a Writer for ComiConverse. He can be followed on Twitter: @RMayer94

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