Review: MMPR: Pink #3

Darryll Robson Darryll Robson
September 14th, 2016

Lifetime reader of comics and fan of Planet of the Apes. When the two combine I can barely contain myself. Image, Boom and Titan comics fight for shelf space with Doctor Who DVDs.

Review: MMPR: Pink #3
Review of: MMPR: Pink #3

Reviewed by:
On September 14, 2016
Last modified:September 14, 2016


After a successful start to the series the narrative has taken a turn for the worse. The art continues to impress but it has become drowned in cliches and terrible plot twists.

Review of: MMPR: Pink #3

Reviewed by:

On September 14, 2016
Last modified:September 14, 2016


After a successful start to the series the narrative has taken a turn for the worse. The art continues to impress but it has become drowned in cliches and terrible plot twists.

The main Mighty Morphin Power Rangers title started its second arc last week and the first arc is also due out in collected form. But if that's not enough for you, our Darryll Robson leads you through the third issue of MMPR: Pink released by Boom! Studios this week.

MMPR: Pink started very well with a strong story and an engaging central character. As the story unfolded the reader was pulled into the continuing adventures of Kimberly and her alter ego. Unfortunately, the second issue wasn't as outstanding and had a number of questionable narrative choices. In the third issue one of the first things that you'll notice is that there are now three names associated with the writing: two credited for the story and the new name Tini Howard on scripting duties. Does this herald further narrative problems or has the story regained the excitement of issue #1?

MMPR: Pink Review

MMPR: Pink #3 interior art detail

Credit: Boom! Studios


Trapped in a cage after the traitorous actions of Serge at the end of last issue means that Kim and co have front row seats for Goldars' backstabbing actions. Firstly, the villain throws Serge into a cage along with his sister and then the blue faced beast turns on Verto.

However, Zack, Trini and Kim don't waste their time, with a little techno jiggery pokery they manage to free themselves from their cages and start to rescue the other prisoners yet to be turned into sea creatures. While Zack and Trini make their way out of the cave system, Kim stays behind to cover their escape.

By luck, the first creature to attack Kim happens to be the Power Rangers' transformed mother and a little soul searching breaks down the barrier between creature and human. Spurred on by this success, Kim takes the fight back to Goldar and is able to liberate the Sword of Light thus "It's Morphin Time!"

By the end of the issue, however, things take a turn for the weird and Kim finds herself in the position of teaming up with one of her enemies.

MMPR: Pink #3 variant cover

Credit: Boom! Studio


Despite having three writers working on this issue, the story is a mess of clichés and cringe worthy cheese. The central villain is an oath breaker and a backstabber; Kim is able to reach her mother with a heartfelt "I love you"; the Power Rangers and enemy team up to fight the greater evil; it's cliché after cliché. The script is as clunky as a direct to DVD movie sequel and some of the sequences are just as baffling. For example, I mentioned last time how easy it was for Goldar to get the Sword of Light and in this issue it is just as easy for Kim to get it back. Someone in this Power Rangers comic needs to learn how to hold onto stuff.

But the Sword liberation is second to the Kim and Mother face off. It takes a page and a short single speech for Kim to reach her mother and break whatever magical spell Verto cast over her. If it is this easy for the transformed to reconnect with their loved ones how come none of the others have done this already?

Surely watching their loved ones run in fear is emotional enough to break through the wet paper thin veil Verto has cast over his creatures. The moment serves a purpose for the narrative, after all who else could come to Kim's rescue later on?

Apart from pretty much any of the other characters in the comic, that is. In fact, it would make as much sense at this point if Verto himself saved Kim.

In contrast to the writing, the art work by Daniele Di Nicuolo with colors by Sarah Stern is excellent. The energy and the emotion of the characters is splashed across each page by Di Nicuolo. The layouts within the panels reflect the strength of the characters and have a cinematic feel to them. When Goldar throws Serge into a cage for example, the reader picks up on the power of Goldar and sympathise with Serge as he tumbles helplessly away from the reader's point of view. Equally the fight scenes leap from the page and for a moment there is a sense of peril as Kim is overwhelmed. Unfortunately for Di Nicuolo, the script kicks in and undoes all his hard work.

mmpr-pink-3-interior-artSarah Stern has similar problems as she mixes up the background colors to reflect various elements of the emotional struggle happening with in the story. Purples and blues change to oranges for physical contact and then more pastel shades for emotional connections. The subtle visual language is then hammered home with the blatant, spoon feeding script which isn't needed.

This is a conflicted comic: visually it is Power Rangers from start to finish and the depiction of Kim is empowering and heroic. This is contrasted by a terribly obvious narrative which you would expect to find in one of the later, less popular, Power Rangers series. The originality and excitement that was generated in the first issue of MMPR: Pink seems to have mutated into the bland and obvious just as the towns people have been transformed in to mindless beasts by Verto.


Have you read MMPR: Pink?

What do you think of Boom's work with this franchise?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.


Darryll Robson is a Contributor to ComiConverse.  Occasionally he might use his Twitter account: @DarryllRobson

Source: Boom Studios

MMPR: Pink #3

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After a successful start to the series the narrative has taken a turn for the worse. The art continues to impress but it has become drowned in cliches and terrible plot twists.

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