Review: Mission Impossible – Rogue Nation

Jordan Samuel Jordan Samuel
July 30th, 2015

Content Editor, Film Critic and Writer for, the Founder and co-host of the official Nerdcast Network Podcast

Review: Mission Impossible – Rogue Nation

Tom Cruise is back with Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation, the latest movie in the Mission Impossible franchise that started all the way back in 1996.  ComiConverse is here to give you our review on the latest big summer outing.

I actually grew up with this franchise and up until now Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol has been my favorite movie in the series, which featured that iconic scene with Tom Cruise was climbing a skyscraper in Dubai. But after seeing Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation, I have a new favourite, due to the immense plot and over-the-top action in this film.



With the IMF now disbanded and Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) out in the cold, a new threat called The Syndicate soon emerges. The Syndicate is a network of highly skilled operatives who are dedicated to establishing a new world order via an escalating series of terrorist attacks. Faced with what may be their most impossible mission yet, Ethan gathers his team and joins forces with Ilsa Faust (Rebecca Ferguson), a disavowed British agent, who may or may not be a member of this deadly rogue nation.

As you can see, the plot features some really good surprises that will not be spoiled here, but the majority of the film sees the IMF on the run or chasing after the Syndicate's network; chases which provide some of the best action seen in theatres all year.

Each of the car chases and explosions are very impressive, with the majority being done on set which makes every scene feel incredibly realistic.

I forgot to mention how amazing the bike chase, which was seen in trailers, was in this film. It could honestly be my faviorute action sequence of the whole summer. Do not sleep trough that one.



Tom Cruise is amazing, not only physically, but his overall presence in this movie is truly impactful in each scene. He steals the show in Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation.

His comedy here is also pretty strong, with Cruise showcasing that he is more than the action star we have seen but also a bloody hilarious comedian at points. His wit is also very impressive as the dashing Ethan Hunt.

Another really good addition is Rebecca Ferguson as Ilsa, who shines in her role as the badass spy. She is hot and fierce, which is funny because her only previous Hollywood outing was in Hercules (2014). Her character is really well done in this film, so expect to see her in many upcoming projects.

Simon Pegg also returns in this instalment as Benji Dunn, and is given a much bigger role in this outing as the brains in to these impossible missions. I love Benji the most in this film; each scene with him is hilarious and something about the class acting that comes from Pegg allows him to grow in this role.

Jeremy Renner also shows up here as William Brandt. His role is to make sure the IMF stays standing under the pressure from Alan Hunley.

Renner is fine again in the role, but he doesn't have that much to do in this film, which is not all bad because hopefully the next sequel will allow more room for him.

Sean Harris plays the big bad Solomon Lane, who - although he is decent in this film - is nothing compared to the late Phillip Seymour Hoffman.  The dude does well with this film.  Every scene he was in felt scary and who doesn't like that in their villain.



Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation is the continuation the franchise deserves and an action movie that somehow tops all the crazy stuff that was in Ghost Protocol.

Not only does the plot engage you, but the team around it allows you to have so much fun this summer.

I hope you guys enjoyed this review, because quite honestly I loved writing it.

Now, I'm off to watch the film again!

What is your opinion on Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation?

Have you seen it yet?

Let us know bellow and follow ComiConverse for all your future reviews.


Jordan Samuel is a Contributor to ComiConverse. Follow him on Twitter: @LoadingBa

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