Review: Film & Comic Con Manchester 2016

Kate Blake Kate Blake
June 18th, 2016

Review: Film & Comic Con Manchester 2016

Reviewed by:
On June 18, 2016
Last modified:June 18, 2016


A great day out with a good variety of activities.


Reviewed by:

On June 18, 2016
Last modified:June 18, 2016


A great day out with a good variety of activities.
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In the past few years the UK has seen a rise in the number and places these conventions are available, our Kate Blake attended a relatively new Film & Comic Con Manchester 2016 run by Showmasters and is sharing her experience of it here.

I spent one Saturday in late May at Film & Comic Con Manchester 2016, run by the kind enough to give me my first ever press pass, Showmasters.  So, the first thing I would like to do here is thank Showmasters for kindly granting me a press pass for their event and to all the wonderful crew, stall runners, guests and people in general who I met over the weekend.

What follows is a breakdown what was scene and heard and enjoyed.

Film & Comic Con Manchester 2016

Credit: ComiConverse

No. 1: Film & Comic Con Manchester 2016

Space and Accessibility: The venue was plenty large enough and had great accessibility (from my perspective) for all physical abilities. I saw people with various extra movement needs moving around as freely as anyone else. Everything was on the ground floor and there was lots of space between the rows of stalls to move around in. I admit I had no one in my party with additional needs so I am basing this opinion purely on observation, if you went and disagree please comment below and I will update my analysis.

Layout: I myself am not one to enjoy crowded spaces, and I found that I had plenty of room even at peak time to move about and get on with my day un-bumped and squished. The venue chosen was truly a good size. The layout could have been better. The different areas for Cosplay, games and meeting people where not that clearly laid out and there was no obvious map to refer too for anyone looking for someone or something in particular. The nice fellas from the comic stands even commented that they were so far back from the rest of the convention they expected that it would make people self-conscious about going to see them and it was a prediction I couldn't help but seeing ring true every time I passed. An experience that the TV and Film celebrities also could relate to from what I saw, but less so fortunately.

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Film & Comic Con Manchester 2016

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A great day out with a good variety of activities.

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