Game Review: Blues And Bullets: Shaking The Hive

Crystal Kendrick Crystal Kendrick
August 7th, 2016


Reviewed by:
On August 7, 2016
Last modified:August 7, 2016


Despite having a few flaws that lower the overall experience, Blues and Bullets continues to be a great game.


Reviewed by:

On August 7, 2016
Last modified:August 7, 2016


Despite having a few flaws that lower the overall experience, Blues and Bullets continues to be a great game.

Blues and Bullets: Shaking the Hive is out for PC and Playstation 4. Our Crystal Kendrick is here with the ComiConverse review of this second chapter in the Blues and Bullets series.

Blues and Bullets: Shaking the Hive picks up right where episode one, The End of Peace left off. With lots of backstory, gore, and decisions to be made, episode two is just as action packed as the first!

One thing I forgot to mention during the first episode's review is that this game deals with a lot of very mature and extremely violent subject matter. Shaking the Hive features racism, human trafficking, child abuse, cruelty to animals, and lots of very violent deaths, so player discretion is advised.

Blues and Bullets Game Review

Credit: A Crowd of Monsters

Blues and Bullets: Pros

The amount of exploration present in Shaking the Hive is great. The episode allows for lots of exploration into a

Blues And Bullets: Shaking The Hives

  • 4


Despite having a few flaws that lower the overall experience, Blues and Bullets continues to be a great game.

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