Review: Black Widow #1

Sam McCoy Sam McCoy
March 10th, 2016

Review: Black Widow #1
Review of: Black Widow #1

Reviewed by:
On March 10, 2016
Last modified:March 10, 2016


Waid and Samnee provide a near perfect first issue to get readers hooked. It's action packed and sets up enough mystery to keep readers excited.

Review of: Black Widow #1

Reviewed by:

On March 10, 2016
Last modified:March 10, 2016


Waid and Samnee provide a near perfect first issue to get readers hooked. It's action packed and sets up enough mystery to keep readers excited.

Natasha Romanoff, aka Black Widow, is back in an all new ongoing series by the Eisner winning duo of Mark Waid and Chris Samnee, and ComiConverse Contributor Sam McCoy has a full review.


Natasha Romanoff is an enemy of S.H.I.E.L.D. Maria Hill, the director of that agency, has put all agents on alert as Black Widow fights her way off a helicarrier. When seemingly cornered, Natasha blows a hole in the side of the helicarrier and jumps out. Director Hill implores every agent to capture Black Widow because of something unnamed that she has taken.

After diving out of the helicarrier, Black Widow wrestles a jetpack away from a S.H.I.E.L.D agent and lands safely but is chased as she makes her way through the city in a motorcycle. After a fiery crash, Black Widow engages in a brutal fight with a pursuing S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. As the agent collapses he asks Black Widow if what she stole was worth it. Black Widow wonders the same thing.

Natasha, aka Black Widow, escaping from S.H.I.E.L.D.

Credit: Marvel Comics


Mark Waid and Chris Samnee's Daredevil is one of my top two comics released in the last five years next to Scott Snyder's Batman comics. In a lot of ways, I prefer Daredevil for the way Waid and Samnee's iteration of the comic went in direct contrast with how Daredevil had been portrayed for the 30 years previous. The two and added a level of fun that made that book a joy.

They have done it again.

This is a first issue that has me hooked and I am excited for more Black Widow stories. I have never been a big Black Widow fan, and if you asked me before I read this, I would have said, I was not interested in picking up a regular series starring her. That changed. Waid and Samnee have done something new with this book: they have taken the standard spy story and made it their own, adding the kind of flare and fun prevalent in their Daredevil run.

This entire first issue is an action sequence, and an extremely well told one. There is a lot going on visually and never once do you need to question what is happening in all the action. The fight at the end of the issue in particular was incredibly well choreographed. Every move flowed perfectly into the next as if it was meant to be. This was an excellent week for Marvel fight sequences as Karnak also had a fantastic fight sequence.

Gorgeous double page spread by Samnee in Black Widown 1

Credit: Marvel Comics

Waid's writing takes a backseat in this issue to Samnee's visuals, but the writing still supports visuals. Samnee and Waid share story credit, which I assume means they are creating this comic the old "." If that is what made the comic so good, I have no problem with that process at all. The greatest critique of this issue is that it is nothing more than an extended action sequence. You are not getting a whole lot of plot twists and turns. This issue is the hook to the series and I think with that it achieves it.

Chris Samnee's art shines as it has previously in Daredevil, but the scale is grander. In particular, a double page spread of Black Widow diving out of a Helicarrier isn't like any of his Daredevil work.

Black Widow is a great first issue that leaves readers wanting more adventures of Natasha Romanoff.


Sam McCoy is a Contributor for ComiConverse. Follow him on Twitter: @realcactussam

Black Widow #1

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Waid and Samnee provide a near perfect first issue to get readers hooked. It's action packed and sets up enough mystery to keep readers excited.

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