Review: Batman #11

Abel Loza Abel Loza
December 26th, 2016

If you give me the chance, ill talk your ear off about comic books. As the legend states, "Abel's first words were 'Batman.'" #TeamBatman

Review: Batman #11
Review of: Batman #11
Cut Throat

Reviewed by:
On December 26, 2016
Last modified:December 26, 2016


With issue #10 being somewhat of a slower part of the story, I Am Suicide Part 3 brings much more excitement into the story. Although more of Bane would be a good thing, the added element of Catwoman as an ally to Bane does make the stakes higher for Batman in upcoming issues.

Review of: Batman #11
Cut Throat

Reviewed by:

On December 26, 2016
Last modified:December 26, 2016


With issue #10 being somewhat of a slower part of the story, I Am Suicide Part 3 brings much more excitement into the story. Although more of Bane would be a good thing, the added element of Catwoman as an ally to Bane does make the stakes higher for Batman in upcoming issues.

Batman #11 is the third installment of the sophomore arc from Tom King, which sees Batman and his personally assembled Suicide Squad, now inside the once thought impregnable Santa Prisca prison, try to find and capture Psycho-Pirate before it’s too late. We will soon learn that for some members of the Suicide Squad, this not only be their last mission with batman, but it will be their last mission ever. Abel Loza, our Batman enthusiast takes a look at the newest Batman adventure.

Review: Batman #11

“...237 dead. What am I supposed to do?”

Courtesy of DC Comics

Courtesy of DC Comics



Spoilers ahead!

In Batman #10 (I am Suicide Part 2), we find out that Selina is in Arkham Assylum because she was caught after killing 257 men who were involved in the terrorist plot which blew up the orphanage she was raised in.  This plays an important part to the story because we start this issue with Batman chasing Catwoman, which seems to be shortly after Catwoman killed all these men from the terrorist group. The chase ends as Bruce embracing Selina and knowing that he must turn her in.

Courtesy of DC Comics

Courtesy of DC Comics

Flash-forward to Batman helping Catwoman and the Ventriloquist enter the Santa Prisca prison. After reaching their destination, the three split up; Batman by himself and the two members of the Suicide Squad with each other. As Batman, Catwoman and the Ventriloquist are inside the prison, the remaining members of the Squad, Punch, Jewlee and Bronze Tiger are outside awaiting entry into the prison. While they are waiting to get let in through the front doors (part of the plan), we find out that while at Arkham, Bronze Tiger experimented with Venom. Before Bronze Tiger could take care of his annoyance, the three are let into the front of the prison.

We then join Catwoman and Ventriloquist climbing down the pipes, in the heart of prison: Cell Block D. Batman believes that this is where Psycho-Pirate is being held. This is where Catwoman decides to deviate from the original plan and leave to “...go cat around a bit.”

Punch and Jewlee are used as decoys and Bronze Tiger presents them to Bane as a gift. As you might remember, Punch is the only person ever to escape from Santa Prisca alive. As Bronze Tiger is negotiation with Bane, Catwoman ruins the plan by outing all the members and revealing to Bane that this is all a lie constructed by Batman. Catwoman then proceeds to slit the throat and kill Bronze Tiger, Jewlee and Punch and tells Bane that in exchange for a get-a-way, Selina would tell Bane how to finally and permanently end Batman.


I am Suicide Part 3 starts fast, slows down in the middle, and then sprints towards the end. We find out that the Suicide Squad Batman puts together is only short lived as author Tom King stuns us with an unforeseen twist ending. A new hurdle has been presented to Batman, which has complicated the mission inside of Santa Prisca prison (let's be honest though, it's never an easy mission for Batman.) Overall this issue makes Catwoman a much bigger player in the story and leaves us wondering what Selina’s mission truly is. Overall, I think this was a good issue that helped make thins more interesting and it helped create a deeper story for us to follow.

Well, that was short lived! Three out of the six members of the Suicide Squad were killed off the story. I am somewhat disappointed that we couldn't enjoy the full Suicide Squad for a bit longer, even if I do think it was rushed.  However, because of how they set up the remainder of the story I completely understand why and trust Tom King on the direction that the story is going in. I would have like to know more about the characters of Punch and Jewlee before they were killed off. I believe we lost out on some character development from them and now their legacy will be that Punch and Jewlee are a knockoff to Harley and the Joker, in design and characterization (unless they bring them back from the dead, which could very well happen).

In that same vein, I kind of would like to see more of Bane, even though I feel we have gotten to see ALL of Bane, if you catch my drift. He hasn’t worn a pair of pants this entire time. But with that being said, I am Suicide Part 3 did shine away from Bane as the main protagonist and I know that Catwoman is going to play a huge part in the remaining arc so they needed to build her personal arc, but Bane is the main enchilada and I think most people want to see more of Bane.


The twist at the end, however, did come as a surprise to me and it does build a ton of tension between Bane, Catwoman and Batman. This newly formed tension is added on top of the already present the sexual tension between Bruce and Selina. We see that very early in this issue as Bruce’s moral code and feelings for Selina are battling it out to see what happens with Catwoman. Because he does have feeling for her, the betrayal of Catwoman does seem to have some effect to Bruce as Batman. Tom King is good as using these Batman tropes, as good as anyone. So far, they are paying off for the benefit of the story.

Courtesy of DC Comics

Courtesy of DC Comics

One aspect I didn’t except from the issue is how cool the use of the guided view tool was for this particular issue. Because of the lack of comic book shops around me, I have recently had to turn to digital copies to get my fill. Altough I still prefer a hard copy of a comic book, this issue was exactly why that feature was created. The chase scenes between Batman and Catwoman are amplified when one is guided through the panels and the chase seems to come to life in front of you. Another good scene for this feature is when Catwoman and the Ventriloquist climbing down pipes. These panels seem to come to life when the guided view tool is used. If you have never used it, I suggest to try it for the next issue.


Abel Loza is a Contributor to ComiConverse. Follow him on Twitter: @st abel45

Source: DC Comics

Batman #11

  • 4

Cut Throat

With issue #10 being somewhat of a slower part of the story, I Am Suicide Part 3 brings much more excitement into the story. Although more of Bane would be a good thing, the added element of Catwoman as an ally to Bane does make the stakes higher for Batman in upcoming issues.

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