Preview: Arrow Season 4

Jamie Udinson Fanny Pack
September 29th, 2015

I'm a secret agent by day, but by night I'm a great pontificator of all things nerd on television. I write for and might be lurking in your Twitch stream. Sometimes I play Hearthstone while I wait for my lattes. Enjoy!

Preview: Arrow Season 4

Season 4 of CW's Arrow is fast approaching and our very own Fanny Pack has a complete preview of all that's on the way for Team Arrow this season!

If anything about Season 4 of Arrow has been confirmed during the summer break, it’s that darkness is soon to fall on Star City, and it arrives in the shape of a man - Damien Darhk. We first learned about Damien Darhk from Ra’s al Ghul, who told a tale of a former member of the League of Assassins, whose cold, calculated play for power drove him away from the League towards the mysterious H.I.V.E. organization.

Furthermore, we learned from Deadshot that it was H.I.V.E. who commissioned the assassination of John Diggle’s brother; surely a fact that will be explored upon the arrival of Mr. Darhk; who will be portrayed by actor Neal McDonough.

Damien Darhk Neal McDonough

In the DC Comics universe, Damien Darhk is depicted as a tactical genius, a mysterious lover of hi-tech gadgets, and in Teen Titans, he was granted immortality after being fatally wounded.

Taking some of the DC Comics history into account, the possibilities for Damien’s brand of villain are vast, and are especially interesting when considering what was learned through various interviews with the showrunners during the summer.

Last week, Natalie Abrams shared a scoop from showrunner Wendy Mericle; giving Arrow fans some insight into what we can expect in the coming episodes. According to Abrams, Oliver and Damien will be fighting each other “on more than one front,” and the fight could be one of the driving factors leading to the emergence of the Green Arrow we’ve all been waiting for.

As a fan of the Arrow, and a great guesser of plot-twists, there are a few things I think we can expect to see in Season 4, and there are a few things I hope we get see as the plot unravels.

Team Arrow and Malcolm Merlin (a.k.a. The New Ra’s al Ghul):

Ra’s told Oliver in Nanda Parbat that Damien had originally wanted to become his successor, but ultimately fled the League in pursuit of a more devilish agenda. References to H.I.V.E started some time ago in Arrow, and, as the new season unfolds, we will probably see Damien consider the New Ra’s al Ghul a threat just as he did the last one.

Needless to say, if a villainous, power-hungry assassin arrives in Star City (and we aren’t already talking about Malcolm Merlin) then terror is likely to ensue and will undoubtedly attract the attention of Team Arrow.

You know what they say, the enemy of my enemy is my friend (at least until Malcolm tries to kill Felicity or something).

A Diggle vs. Darhk Showdown:

It seems inevitable, now that we know that H.I.V.E. commissioned the murder of Diggle’s brother, that if given the chance to strike a blow against those responsible, Diggle will always try to take it. Sometimes such plans work out, but most of the time they don't go very well. Diggle has a family to protect now too, which should give him a little pause before running into a fight, guns blazing. The new Diggle costume looks pretty amazing, but I hope it’s bullet, fire and Darhk-proof; because this coming fight is probably going to be a long one.

Felicity's The “Queen Bee” Of Palmer Technologies:

I anticipate there will be several reasons for Olicity to return to Star City but certainly one of them will include Felicity’s ownership of the company, following the presumed death of Ray Palmer. It will be a relief to see Team Arrow get some of their gadget-mojo back; since Oliver’s money troubles meant losing the cash-flow necessary to fund cool weapons. Also, if I had to guess, I would wager that at least one H.I.V.E. operative infiltrates Palmer Technologies before the mid-season break.

Why, Yes Oliver, Magic IS Real:

News of the John Constantine visit to Arrow was so incredibly exciting and with that news came the realization that things are about to get weird in Star City (or more weird than in previous times, which was already incredibly weird).  Naturally, the Lazarus Pit has supernatural qualities—because a pit filled with life-giving waters is not a typical lair upgrade—so someone with supernatural know-how is going to need to join the party when things start going south.

John Constantine lives in a world of demons and angels, and all things magic; which means that if Constantine is coming to Star City, he brings with him all the possibilities of that world. Now, I do not think this means that Damien Darhk will be anything other than human, but I do think that the addition of some magic will add a cool element to the show, as long as it stays on the periphery.

Team Arrow is Team Arrow because they are all ordinary human beings who have trained themselves into extraordinary fighters. Too much magic might be strange, but a little magical help from Constantine could give Team Arrow just the edge they need to keep the bees at bay.


Arrow returns for the Season 4 premiere on Wednesday, October 7 at 8/7c on the CW.


Fanny Pack is a Contributor to ComiConverse. Follow her on Twitter: @Onapack

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