Marvel Cinematic Universe Post Credit Scenes: Ranking the Top 10

Joseph Gioeli Joseph Gioeli
July 20th, 2017

ComiConverse Expert Contributor focusing on film and television.

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  1. Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) “The Twins”

One of the longer post-credit scenes on this list shows Baron Wolfgang von Strucker walking through the corridors of a Hydra base, presumably in Sokovia. Strucker is speaking with a confidant about Nick Fury releasing all Hydra information to the public. Strucker then says that what he has is “worth more than any of them ever knew”. It then shows that Strucker and Hydra are in possession of Loki’s staff.

As if this were not enough, Strucker walks to glass cases that hold two individuals; referred to as “the twins” and as “miracles” by Strucker; they are Pietro and Wanda Maximoff.


Credit: Marvel FIlms

This scene leads directly into the opening scene in Avengers: Age of Ultron, which shows the Avengers invading the Hydra base in Sokovia to retrieve Loki’s staff. This scene also shows how powerful the twins are. Pietro harasses Hawkeye in the field and Wanda manipulates Stark’s mind to make him see his fellow Avengers beaten and dead.

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