Layers of Fear: Inheritance Review

Crystal Kendrick Crystal Kendrick
August 14th, 2016


Reviewed by:
On August 14, 2016
Last modified:August 14, 2016


This DLC had a few good moments but it wasn't really all that fun to play. The game is best for people who just really would like some more backstory or insight, but those who could do without that or isn't a huge fan of the original should probably pass.


Reviewed by:

On August 14, 2016
Last modified:August 14, 2016


This DLC had a few good moments but it wasn't really all that fun to play. The game is best for people who just really would like some more backstory or insight, but those who could do without that or isn't a huge fan of the original should probably pass.

Layers of Fear by Bloober Team Games is our on Linux, Microsoft Windows, OS X, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. This is a game that tells the story of an artist who wishes to finish a masterpiece. The game takes players on a journey through a Victorian-era mansion while dealing with the protagonists own delusions and trying to pice together the tragic story of what happened up to the game. On August 2nd, Layers of Fear: Inheritance was released. This is a DLC, or downloadable content, addition to the main game that has players take control of the artist's daughter as she goes back to the mansion to face her past.

Layers of Fear: Inheritance Review

Layers of Fear: Inheritance

Credit: Bloober Team SA

Layers of Fear: Pros

While Inheritance isn't very long as it is DLC, the soundtrack is still pretty well done. There's not much music but what it does have definitely contributes to the overall ambiance of the game. The soundtrack mostly includes piano and violin music a couple of different points. The soundtrack never becomes overbearing and sometimes a player might even forget it is on certain scenes. However, when the player realizes it is there they will definitely think it is really nice music before it drifts to the back of their mind again.

Layers of Fear: Inheritance

Credit: Bloober Team SA

Another thing this game, both the original and the DLC, is good for is the artwork. The original Layers of Fear has already won "Best Artwork" awards before. The DLC artwork's quality is not even a notch down in terms of quality. Both feature famed real life art that has been altered in some way in most cases to reflect the distortion of reality throughtout the game. Even without that, the actual artwork of the mansion in general is beautiful.

Layers of Fear: Inheritance

Credit: Bloober Team SA

One personal thing that I enjoyed about the game is that it reminded me of another game that I really liked. That game is Among the Sleep. Among the Sleep is a game where the protagonist is a two year old child so naturaly everything has an element of imagination and being larger than it really is. There was some points in Inheritance where I got that same exact vibe. It's always nice when a developer can do something, whether intentionally or not, that another developer already did well without coming off as a complete rip-off. Bloober Team SA was able to do that.

Layers of Fear: Inheritance

Credit: Bloober Team SA

Layers of Fear: Cons

Now Layers of Fear is clearly a very artistic game which is obvious with the amont of work put into the soundtrack, artwork, and of course the subject matter. However, Inheritance seems pretty empty. The game is DLC but it still just doesn't have very much going on. The whole game is about an hour and a half to two hours long depending on who plays it. During that course, not much happens. There's not many scary things that happen, there's not many things to pick up, and most of all there's not that much story. Layers of Fear in general is a very story driven game, or at least it is supposed to be, so when the DLC doesn't have much going for itself in the way of that, it kind of falls flat. This DLC is best for someone who just really needs more Layers of Fear in their life and needs more after the initial part is over. This isn't really for someone who was just a moderate fan of the initial game. They'll probably be bored because there's not as much anything. Again, I'd like to point out that I am fully aware that this is DLC but many other games have managed to actually drive the narrative forward more in the DLC even in the same setting but with a different character like Inheritance. 

Layers of Fear: Inheritance

Credit: Bloober Team SA

The game overall is pretty dark. Not just in subject matter but in actual visuals. In some parts of the game it is hard to see much of anything. I'm guessing that this will vary based on TVs but just a heads up, be prepared to turn up the brightness to see things better. Having to turn up the brightness might seem inconsequential but if a game is supposed to be dark, then turning up the brightness to make the game actually playable will probably negatively affect those parts of the game.

The game should be dark, yes, but developers should know when to stop and say "Yeah, this is too much".


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Layers of Fear: Inheritance

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This DLC had a few good moments but it wasn't really all that fun to play. The game is best for people who just really would like some more backstory or insight, but those who could do without that or isn't a huge fan of the original should probably pass.

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