Jurassic World: Dinos Made Perfect

Jeffrey Hull Jeffrey Hull
June 14th, 2015

Jeff Hull is the original founder of ComiConverse. He can usually be found behind a computer or the rugby field. He is also the world's biggest Darkwing Duck fan!

Review of: Jurassic World

Reviewed by:
On June 14, 2015
Last modified:September 2, 2016


Jurassic World leaves us with perhaps the greatest closing shot of the entire series. It's movie house magic. It's dines done right.

Review of: Jurassic World

Reviewed by:

On June 14, 2015
Last modified:September 2, 2016


Jurassic World leaves us with perhaps the greatest closing shot of the entire series. It's movie house magic. It's dines done right.

Jurassic World gives audiences what they expect, yet somehow manages to exceed expectations.

They do dinosaurs and they do them well!  It would be hard to beat the buzz that surrounded the original film, but Jurassic World pays homage to the best of the series, while bringing the joy of soaring soundtracks and dino-destruction to a whole new generation.


Years have passed since the original Jurassic Park suffered its from its "technical difficulties".  However, fuelled by a hopeful new set of investors - which we soon learn includes a set of murky military contractors - the project has managed to expand and become the stunningly beautiful and scenic theme park we see in the trailers.


In fact, the general public has become so used to the idea of genetically engineered dinosaurs that Jurassic World's infamous research team has taken the next logical step and begun creating bigger, fiercer more intelligent dinosaurs that can win back some of the public's attention.

Because what could go wrong?


Jurassic World makes a bet.  The wager is that a new generation of fans will embrace the movie's concept (the are illusions to another trilogy made in the film) and that those who loved the original franchise (in particular the original) will remain in awe of the lofty imagery and uplifting score.

Would the same formula work so many years later? Some critics said no.


But it works.

Never mind that that the film's plot is nearly a carbon copy of the original. Bigger stars, bigger effects, sweeping beautiful scenes and - of course - the amazing music are enough to stir excitement in even the most cynical fan.

The scenes at Jurassic World itself open with a series of interesting debates; with core team members bantering about some of the films more intellectual themes; scientific ethics, respect for animals and, as something of a new twist, the military industrial complex.

Its enough to jog the interest of a more adult crowd who need something to think about with their popcorn and explosions. However, its not long before we are taken on a stunning beautiful tour of the revived Jurassic Park, where thousands of people are enjoying the attractions set against the best and most beautiful backdrops that Central America has to offer. By the time the familiar score reaches it crescendo its enough to make you want to whip out your phone and book your own tour package.

Surely there would be a Jurassic World tourist app.

The standard pair of obligatory young siblings, suffering from the obligatory sibling and family issues, are our guides through the park in the film's early stages.

The action picks up when we meet Chris Pratt, who plays a wildlife behavioural expert, who has been conducting behavioural control experiments with the infamous veloca raptors. He loves his raptors.

Chaos and mayhem then ensue.

At its core this film is Jurassic Park on rocket fuel. Its everything we loved about the original made bigger, scarier and more beautiful.

The idea of simply ramping up the action and effects in an existing franchise has failed so many times, that its both shocking and relieving to see that it can actually bring joy to so many audiences for once.

Jurassic World makes dinosaurs perfectly.

It appears that just enough time has passed since the original that this film can tap into a new audience, as well as tap the feelings of nostalgia that older fans will feel when they hear that gorgeous, haunting and oh so memorable music.

Nowhere are all of these factors driven home more than in the film's climax, where a pair of unlikely heroes come to the rescue.

The only warning that the film's producers should take seriously, is that the reaction of new fans to the stunning visuals and the feelings of nostalgia that re-captured older fans are unlikely to transfer to yet another sequel.

Jurassic World leaves us with perhaps the greatest closing shot of the entire series.

It would be wonderful if that was how the franchise could be remembered.


Jeff Hull is the CEO of ComiConverse. He is also a Contributor. Follow him on Twitter: @HullatHome

Jurassic World

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Jurassic World leaves us with perhaps the greatest closing shot of the entire series. It's movie house magic. It's dines done right.

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