Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: A Punch To Your Childhood

Emily Fleming Emmy Fleming
August 17th, 2016

A proud nerd, born and raised, inheriting her love of all things geek from her father. Comics lover, writer, artist, chainmailler, cosplayer, binge watcher, and baker of incredible chocolate chip cookies, not to brag or anything.

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: A Punch To Your Childhood

Reviewed by:
On August 17, 2016
Last modified:August 17, 2016


With its wacky plot, uncharacteristic characters, and insanely inaccurate time-line, it reads more as a poorly thought out fan-fiction than an actual part of the Harry Potter series. I'm just going to pretend the books ended at seven and ignore the fact that I ever read this disjointed train wreck.


Reviewed by:

On August 17, 2016
Last modified:August 17, 2016


With its wacky plot, uncharacteristic characters, and insanely inaccurate time-line, it reads more as a poorly thought out fan-fiction than an actual part of the Harry Potter series. I'm just going to pretend the books ended at seven and ignore the fact that I ever read this disjointed train wreck.
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Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is on bookstands now and our very own Emmy Fleming has read it cover-to-cover.  Here, in our first review for ComiConverse, she breaks five areas within the story that are likely to trouble Harry Potter fans.

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: A Punch To Your Childhood

I suffered through Harry Potter and the Cursed Child so you don't have to.  And, we have some breaking news to share as well.


Be warned! There's are massive spoilers ahead!

In searching through content here on ComiConverse, I can't seem to find anything regarding the "Boy Who Lived". While I know this is a very comics universe oriented site and the Potter series is marketed as children's books with nothing to do with comics, I have yet to go to a comic-con and not see at least one grown adult sporting their Hogwarts robes. At Wizard World Philadelphia this past June, I saw several pairs of Gryffindor's and Slytherin's, a group of four friends representing each house and a woman wearing a toilet seat around her neck, dressed as Moaning Myrtle. I'm going to give Harry a little love on here, and give you 4 reasons to avoid seeing his adult misery in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

Brilliant Moaning Myrtle cosplayer at Wizard World Philadelphia June 2016

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Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

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With its wacky plot, uncharacteristic characters, and insanely inaccurate time-line, it reads more as a poorly thought out fan-fiction than an actual part of the Harry Potter series. I'm just going to pretend the books ended at seven and ignore the fact that I ever read this disjointed train wreck.

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