The Flash: Know Your Speedsters

Chris Barnes Chris Barnes
August 9th, 2015

I'm a 35 year old Canadian living in Ontario. I read comics, I love to draw and I collect comic art. I also teach karate, play hockey, and am a dad to 3 girls! My comic book passion lies with Batman and his pals with Nightwing taking a very close #2 favourite position. I began collecting comic art in 2013 and I have several commissions done by Ken Lashley and an amazing Francis Manapul Batman. As well I have sold a few of my own creations!

The Flash: Know Your Speedsters
Required Reading
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CW's The Flash is set to break out into include a wider selection of characters from the Flash universe. Our Chris Barnes is here to provide your guide to all things speedster.

I know a lot of people are really digging The Flash TV show and with the recent announcement of the casting of a Wally West and Jay Garrick, and the easter eggs in the season one finale, I thought that this might be a good time to look back through the DC Comics histories and know who these Speedsters are.

Gotta run, but don't worry, we'll be back in a flash!

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