Assassin’s Creed Movie Trailer Debuts

Arjun Sarai Arjun Sarai
May 13th, 2016

The official trailer for Assassin's Creed has been revealed. ComiConverse contributor Arjun Sarai provides us with a full breakdown.

"We work in the dark, to serve the light."

20th Century Fox has officially released the first trailer for Assassin's Creed, the film adaptation of the great Ubisoft video game franchise, starring Michael Fassbender in the lead role. This year we get two video game adaptations in the form of film and up until now fans had received a few different looks at the Warcraft movie, and nothing of Assassin's Creed. We didn't know what to expect, because films that are adapted from or inspired by video games don't usually work out, but this trailer looks incredible.

Assassin’s Creed follows the main character Callum Lynch, who discovers he is a descendant of the secret Assassins society through unlocked genetic memories that allow him to relive the adventures of his ancestor, Aguilar, in 15th century Spain. After gaining incredible knowledge and skills he's poised to take on the oppressive Knights Templar in the present day.

Personally, I'm a MAJOR Assassin's Creed fan and for me, every second of this trailer brought pure excitement to my heart. I've been playing the games thoroughly from end to finish since the franchise began, so a film adaptation is something I've been waiting far too long for. It also helps that the lead character is being portrayed by Michael Fassbender, as he looks to bring his best along with fellow A-lister Marion Cotillard, who have both shown nothing but consistency in their films throughout the years, something that is key to a film franchise in it's beginning stages.

Assassin's Creed already has multiple benefits to help ease the tension that is surely around any set when putting a film together. Michael Fassbender and Marion Cotillard had solid chemistry between each other in Macbeth, and it looks like it will translate to this film which is being directed by Justin Kurzel, who was also at the helm of that project. Visually speaking, the trailer is gorgeous. We see different locations, with beautiful background settings and diversity. The Spanish Inquisition hasn't surfaced in the games before, so it's actually refreshing to see a new character and place in time away from the games. Any fan of Assassin's Creed knows how important parkour is to the story and organic, colourful open world the franchise is known for, and some of the shots we see here are impressive. A lot of credit here goes to the cinematographer, Adam Arkapaw, who also worked with the above on - you guessed it - Macbeth.

Assassin's Creed

Credit: FOX

Ubisoft constructed their own film production company specifically for this movie, ensuring they have main control over all aspects of this project. If it does well, this could very well open the door to other Assassin's Creed movies in the future, and potentially other Ubisoft franchises transitioning over to the film industry.

As for authenticity, the trailer showcases a very good mixture of unique combat and action sequences that will be very familiar to Assassin's Creed gamers, and enticing to average movie-goers who know little to nothing about the franchise. The hand to hand combat looks second to none, along with the assassinations from above. The leap of faith at the end though, now that was a shot that put a massive smile on my face (if you haven't played the games, it's something I'd rather have the movie explain to you). The trailer music has received quite the negative response, with Kanye West's "I Am A God" getting the backlash. The music somewhat fits depending on your perspective; The beat itself makse sense, but Kanye's overly exposed verse could've easily been left out. All in all, this was a great first look at a film that can definitely provide a much needed win for video game film adaptations.

Assassin's Creed

Credit: FOX

Assassin's Creed leaps into theatres December 21, 2016.

Source: 20th Century Fox


Arjun Sarai is a Contributor to ComiConverse, follow him on Twitter @arjunSarai_

Source: 20th Century Fox

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