Film Review: Triple 9

Jordan Samuel Jordan Samuel
February 17th, 2016

Content Editor, Film Critic and Writer for, the Founder and co-host of the official Nerdcast Network Podcast

Review of: Triple 9

Reviewed by:
On February 17, 2016
Last modified:February 18, 2016


Triple 9 is the best heist movie I have seen in a very long time, It brings some realism into this hot genre along with some solid perfomances

Review of: Triple 9

Reviewed by:

On February 17, 2016
Last modified:February 18, 2016


Triple 9 is the best heist movie I have seen in a very long time, It brings some realism into this hot genre along with some solid perfomances

Triple 9 has been released in the UK, and our Lead Film Critic Jordan Samuel brings us the official ComiConverse review.

Heist movies have been all the rage throughout the last couple of years, with the Fast and the Furious franchise being the top player in this genre which has brought many interesting adventures. But sadly, no heist film has done anything new with it in the last decade, mainly due to disconnect between character intentions and the audience.

Fast forward to 2016, and a movie has captured some real emotion along with some pretty immense action sequences. Its name is Triple 9. But does it redefine the genre? Find out as ComiConverse goes into the latest heist thriller.


Credit: Open Road Films

In Triple 9, a crew of dirty cops is blackmailed by the Russian mob to execute a virtually impossible heist. The only way to pull it off is to manufacture a 999, police code for "officer down". Their plan is turned upside down when the unsuspecting rookie they set up to die foils the attack, triggering a breakneck, action-packed finale filled with double-crosses, greed and revenge. - IMDB

Starring: Kate Winslet, Aaron Paul, Norman Reedus, Casey Affleck, Woody Harrelston, Gal Gaot, Chiwetel Ejiofor and Anthony Mackie.

I have been anticipating Triple 9 for some time, due to the immense cast and subject matter, which delves into dirty cop culture. Triple 9 has always looked interesting to me from the sweet trailers to the golden posters, and boy does it deliver something different from the action thriller department.


Credit: Open Road Films

Director John Hillcoat (Lawless) helms the project. He brings some awesomely shot action sequences to the table that will keep your blood pumping throughout the 115-minute running time. The opening alone will probably be on everyone’s radar at the next Oscars for cinematography, thanks to Nicolas Karakatsanis.

Hillcoat makes the world of Triple 9 come alive with his intelligent take on the crazy world of dirty cops. He also does well with directing the huge cast without any flinches, expect for some of the dialog which sometimes comes across as just plain lazy.

But all can be forgiven due to the fantastic casting.


Credit: Open Road Films

Casey Affleck plays Chris Allen, a young rookie cop who is set up to be killed in a staged 999 call by corrupt cops and criminals in order to carry out a robbery. He is probably one of the most interesting casting choices here; I love his portrayal of a character that could have been the most unlikable element of this movie.

Casey is a very confident cop who really is our introduction into the shady underworld. He basically plays the audience's surrogate, asking questions and wanting answers.


Credit: Open Road Films

Chiwetel Ejiofor is Michael Belmont, the leader of the corrupt cops, and he provides another stellar performance guided through the dark and mysterious character he plays. I felt like he alone could have shamed this movie due to his star power, but does work well with the other cast members.

Ejiofor works well in the action sequences also, due to his fierce approach to committing these mad heists. Hopefully we see more of this in the coming years, because this could be the birth of a solid action star.


Credit: Open Road Films

Anthony Mackie plays another member of the corrupt cops who plan heists. Marcus Atwood is friends with Casey’s character – and he is one of the most likeable characters out of the crew, due to his witty banter between the other members. Mackie will be lauded for this performance!

Aaron Paul also joins the cast as part of the criminal organization that plans these crazy heists. Paul is a solid addition and he does everything right in the part. Hopefully we see more of him in the potential sequels.

Norman Reedus delvers some interesting sequences, but never really stood out for me – he is never really given any character development. This is perhaps due to the larger cast. Reedus is fine, but lacks any charisma in the role.

Woody Harrelson and Kate Winslet on the other hand are probably the best things about Triple 9. Harrelson plays the uncle of Casey’s character who is investigating the Russian gangsters. You root for him, but at the same time hope he doesn't catch up with the cops.


Credit: Open Road Films

Winslet delivers a solid performance as the mob boss. Apart from a strange Russian accent, she works, bringing some character acting into Triple 9 – all her scenes feel terrifying and should be looked at for some early Oscar buzz.

Triple 9 is a movie that offers some badass character acting, John Hillcoat makes the police underworld feel dirty and gritty which fits in with the crazy cast that has been implemented.

Nobody is underused, and each character has their own time to shine. The action is also solid.

Jordan Samuel is ComiConverse's Lead Film Critic. Follow him on Twitter: @JordanESamuel.

Triple 9

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Triple 9 is the best heist movie I have seen in a very long time, It brings some realism into this hot genre along with some solid perfomances

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