E3 2018: Microsoft and Bethesda reveal Starfield, Halo and Gears of War

Jordan Samuel Jordan Samuel
June 11th, 2018

Content Editor, Film Critic and Writer for ComiConverse.com, the Founder and co-host of the official Nerdcast Network Podcast

E3 2018: Microsoft and Bethesda reveal Starfield, Halo and Gears of War


Microsoft has finally showcased the line-up for it’s Xbox platform in 2018 and 2019, announcing new Halo and Gears of War titles in a Los Angeles press conference. Covering 50 games in total, ranging from third-party releases to mainline exclusives for the Xbox brand. Game publisher Bethesda announced a new sci-fi role-playing game called Starfield which is set to usher in a new era for the company and even spoke about the hight anticipated Fallout 76 set in the aftermath of nuclear war.

Microsoft kicked off with a new game in the beloved shooter series Halo, called Halo Infinite which is planned to continue Master Chief and his journey. Three new Gears of War games were also announced: Gears Pop!, Gears Tactics alongside the Xbox One (Gears 5), which stars Kait Diaz as the protagonist.

Meanwhile, Forza Horizon 4 is a new racing game in the long-running series which brings dynamic heavy weather and seasonal racing action to Britain’s wealthiest roads. Alongside these a skateboarding game called Session, an exploration game about a tiny fox, a new game from the developers of Dark Souls named Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, a play about a boy who pretends to be a superhero, Disney-themed Japanese role-playing game Kingdom Hearts, were all revealed and broadened the Xbox One’s complicated line-up.


Microsoft announced the acquisition of five new game studios, a massive investment in creative talent. Including UK developers Ninja Theory, Playground Games, Undead Labs and Compulsion Games all who should develop new games for the Xbox brand.

We also saw first looks at upcoming titles, including Ubisoft’s The Division 2 which is set in run-down Washington DC after the world hits a pandemic. Dying Light 2 a zombie game got announced, which focuses on choice-based gameplay and intense, gory battles. The stylish demon slaying franchise Devil May Cry also got a revival and picked up straight after the fourth game in the series. Jump Force, a fighting game by Bandi-Namco that pits anime stars against each other also got announced. The anticipated Cyberpunk 2077 by sublime polish developer CD Projekt RED also was shown off.

Later in the evening, in a press conference marred by some awkward stage moments and featuring, somewhat bizarrely, a performance from Andrew WK, Bethesda gave its fans exactly what they wanted: the announcement of Elder Scrolls 6, the follow-up to the million-selling Skyrim. Entirely nothing was revealed about the title apart from a glimpse at a vast landscape, which suggests that it’s a long way from release.

Other Bethesda announcements included Doom Eternal, a sequel to the much-enjoyed Doom reboot, and Wolfenstein Youngblood, a co-operative shooter featuring Jess and Soph, the twin daughters of series hero BJ Blazkowicz. Their quest is to locate their father in a Nazi-occupied 1980s Paris.

But, what was your favourite reveal from Microsoft and Bethesda? Let us know in the comment section below.

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