Comic Book Movies: A Look Into 2017

Dewayne Edwards Dewayne Edwards
January 1st, 2017

Writer for, Biggest Superhero Movie Fan, Aspiring Screenwriter, Freelance Writer

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No. 5:  Justice League

Credit: Justice League

Directed by Zack Snyder and with a release date of November 17th of 2017, Justice League is a film that a lot of people have been waiting for a really long time. Batman, Aqua Man, Wonder Woman, Flash, and Superman and several other significant characters are set to get an action packed film that is will have fans out in droves. The reason it is number five on my list is due to my disappointments with past DCEU films. Though I still found them entertaining, there have been too many times now that we have been extremely hyped for these movies and ended up feeling disappointed with them. I'm going into Justice League with a lot of excitement and hope, but I'm not going to set my expectations too high this time.

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