Blood Night: A Novel Approach to Comics

Linda Marie Linda Marie
January 18th, 2017

Comic Cons stole my life!

Blood Night is a creative labor of love put together by skilled photographer David Jaffe, owner of Lift-Off Studios in Charlotte, North Carolina along with friend and avid comic book fan, Mike Powell. It is an intriguing photo novel based on the fan favorite comic book character, Punisher and is a fantastic combination of imaginative writing, cosplay and masterful photography. I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Jaffe in person this past year at New York Comic Con (NYCC).

Blood Night: A Novel Approach to Comics

Blood Night Cover Lift-Off Studios David Jaffe

Blood Night Credit: David Jaffe (Lift-Off Studios)

Creativity Collides: Meeting Mr. Jaffe

It is no secret that I have a bit of an obsession for seeking out unique artwork and a deep appreciation for great photography. I was thrilled to get the best of both worlds upon meeting David Jaffe as he was assisting and photographing a favorite artist of mine, CJ Draden, during his time at NYCC 2016. David

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