A Complete Guide To Batman In Animation

Grant Billings Grant Billings
December 9th, 2015

A Complete Guide To Batman In Animation
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Batman has made some incredible appearances in the world of animation over the years. Our own Grant Billings took a look back at what makes Batman such an incredible cartoon character to watch.

One of the most beloved comic book characters of all time has a great history in animation. Live-action movies are always in the big spotlight, with their huge budgets and big stars, but with animation fans get to see another side to their heroes. With Batman in animated films you get to see more than just The Dark Knight, you get to see his family - the medium allows for an expanded universe. Nightwing, Robin, Batgirl and even Red Hood have been in animated movies with the The Caped Crusader. Only Robin and Batgirl have been in live-action, and let's be honest those appearances weren't worth seeing (i.e. Batman & Robin & Batman Forever). Ever since Batman the Animated Series back in the 90's, Batman has been in countless animated films that are beloved by most fans and represent - to many - some of the greatest moments in Batman storytelling.

Ready for some serious Batman nostalgia - and spoilers?

Let's do this!

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